A Streak of Luck … A Day of No News … A Good Gang and Other Facts!


Wow! That’s quite the luck! I can’t imagine rolling the dice that many time. I would have quit way before that, afraid that my winning streak would end!


I wonder if he took Ramsey up on his generous offer.


I think we need to do that here, and perhaps for longer than a day.


Is being solemn a requirement of great intelligence?




True Heroes! ❤

The Happiest Country … Einstein for President … A “Fika” break and other Facts!


A great song!


I would decline being President too!


This explanation works for typos too. 🙂


My scalp in pain just thinking of this.


What’s not to like about this idea!


Had to look this up and it is true. If selected you will stay in a a lodge with spectacular views of the fragrant pine forest around you. You will also have your own private spa and sauna. You will attend 4 classes on how to be happy. You apply online and hope you among the 10 that are selected. But hurry April 2nd is almost here!

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! How is your December starting out? I hope well! Our tree is up and once again I get to sit in the ambience of the lights at night when the house is still. I love just sitting and looking at the tree and thinking. Or reading from my Kindle by the lights of the tree. We hope to go to a Christmas Village a night this week to see amazing lights. There is just something about lights that brings me peace when looking at them.  I hope your heart can be at Peace throughout this season and into 2019!


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