Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Remembering childhood days with your bestie … When the biggest challenge was seeing who could collect the best stickers … Puffy ones rated high and scented ones, too … Did you collect something special when you were a child?

Remember when … When a quarter was enough to “call someone who cares..” Remember being disconnected because you had no more quarters for the phone…

Things aren’t always as they appear … My sister was watching her 4 month old granddaughters … They were next to each other, on their backs. One is trying to pull the toy from her cousin’s hand. Her cousin has no intention of giving it up … Makes it appear that she doesn’t want to share. But then you see the rest of the story …. The baby who is trying to take the other ones toy has the same, exact toy in her other hand! 😂

Moral of the story : Make sure you see the whole picture before judging.