Over The Hill

Samantha was finishing up a story when Haku popped up behind her. He was always surprising her. “Good Morning, writing again I see. What are you going to have me do this time. Who will Haku, the hero dragon save?”

Without looking at Haku Samantha replied in a soft voice. “I am not writing about you this time.”

“WHAT! Why not? You want the story to be good, don’t you?”

Samantha sighed, little had she known how much Haku would enjoy being in her stories after she had written the one about Haku, the great, great, great dragon. https://joyroses13.wordpress.com/2024/05/06/the-dragons-tale/

It was fun writing the story, but now he thought he needed to be in every story. She tried to tell him that he couldn’t be in every story, but trying to reason with a dragon was difficult.

“Could I wear a cape this time that says Super Dragon? Make the cape blue please with a little bit of emerald green in it.”

Since when were dragons so particular about colors, thought Samantha. Though she had to admit those colors did sound pretty together. The problem was she wasn’t planning on writing about dragons today. Her picture had nothing to do with dragons. She had drawn a picture of a tree. http://jasonfrels.com/2024/06/20/gray-morning-gray-photos/

“So, lets begin. What are you waiting for? Stop chewing on the end of your pencil. Do you have some chocolate pudding? I am hungry.”

Some days Samantha wished she had a pet dog instead of a dragon. But at least a chocolate pudding would keep Haku quiet for awhile. She ran downstairs to the fridge and brought one back up for him.

“Thanks.” Haku said, when she handed him the pudding.

Now she would begin her story while he was busy eating. She began writing a tale about herself.

Once upon a time Samantha decided to go on a walk. She was tired of being cooped up inside. It had been raining for the past three days and today it finally had stopped. The skies were still gray and cloudy, but no rain. Feeling happy, she spun around in a circle when she got outside.

“Then Haku, her great, great, great friend appeared beside her, making her even happier.” Haku interjected.

Samantha turned her head and looked at Haku, “Are you sure you want to be in this story?”

“Of course I am. You put yourself in the story, so obviously you need to put me, your best friend, in it too.”

“Okay, if you are sure.” Samantha gave him a coy smile. She had a plan.

Haku puffed out his chest.” Yes, Haku the Great is sure, continue on please.”

Picking up her pencil Samantha continued writing.

Going on a walk with Haku was always fun. Samantha felt protected. For Haku, the great, great, great dragon wasn’t afraid of anything.

“That’s right! You are doing a super job writing this story.” Haku said.

Samantha’s mom had always told her to not go over the hill, but Samantha was tired of always walking the same trail. Today she had Haku with her, so she should be fine to explore. Today she would solve the mystery of what was to be found when one went over the hill. http://jasonfrels.com/2024/06/20/gray-morning-gray-photos/

Haku interrupted. “Are you sure about this? We don’t know what lies beyond the hill?”

Samantha touched Haku on the cheek, “Haku, the great, great, great dragon isn’t afraid is he?”

“Of course not, don’t be silly.” Haku shook his head. “I am only trying to look out for you. But yes, over the hill we go.”

Smiling to herself Samantha kept writing. Her plan was working.

The two friends walked up the hill and over it to see what they could see. Samantha grabbed onto Haku when she heard a strange sound. “What if its a bear? Haku, you aren’t afraid of giant bears with sharp teeth are you?” Feeling a little worried Samantha looked to Haku for reassurance.

“You don’t have to worry, my friend, Haku the great has no fear of bears with sharp teeth and claws.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Samantha saw the worried look on Haku’s face as she wrote. She choked back her laughter.

“Hey … do you think you can get me another chocolate pudding?” Haku asked.

“I am in the middle of my story. Samantha thinks she hears a bear, don’t you want to find out if she does. You may get the chance to battle a bear and be a hero.”

Clearing his throat, Haku put on a brave face. “Yes, Haku the Hero! Write on.” he said, though his voice that wasn’t quite as loud and bold as before.

They walked along the trail with Samantha clinging to Haku. What was the strange sound she heard? Should she continue on or turn around?

“Turn around.” Haku said, interrupting the story once more.

“What was that? Haku the hero wants to turn around?” Samantha put down her pencil and raised her eyebrows at him.

“No, no, keep going.”

Samantha picked up her pencil and giggled at hearing Haku muttering under his breath about her crazy story.

Seeing a large tree up ahead Samantha wondered if that’s where the bear was. Was it behind the scary looking tree. Always one to be curious she had to look and see what was making the horrible sound. She wasn’t too afraid, for she had Haku, the mighty dragon hero, by her side. They walked on and then … GROWL! The creature stepped out from behind the tree.

Haku gripped Samantha’s shoulder while she tried to write.

“Ouch!” Samantha said.

“Sorry. but I am scared for you in your story.”

“Scared about me. You don’t need to be. I have Haku, the great and mighty dragon hero beside me. Remember?”

Haku grunted ,releasing his claw. “Yes, absolutely, continue on. Samantha should probably turn around soon though. She needs to be home in time for lunch. Is it lunch time yet?”

“No, its not time for lunch. I have plenty of time to keep writing.”

Haku muttered under his breath again. He wasn’t enjoying this story as much as her previous one.

The two friends were astonished to see a black dragon and a girl with dragon wings. They didn’t look friendly and Samantha cowered against Haku, the mighty dragon.

The black dragon looked at Haku with his blue eyes glowering at him. He took a step towards him. Haku the mighty dragon didn’t blink an eye. He wasn’t afraid.

Haku let out an audible gulp behind Samantha, as she wrote.

The black dragon roared and Samantha screamed, jumping onto Haku’s back. What would Haku do?

“Haku would run … that’s what Haku would do… he would run..! He is a mighty dragon and he needs to protect Samantha. He needs to get her out of danger.” Haku yelled in Samantha’s ear as she wrote.

Haku was torn, he wanted to fight the dragon. Show Samantha how powerful he was, but he wasn’t going to put Samantha’s life in danger by showing off. Instead he did what every great, great, great dragon would do. He soared high into the air with Samantha on his back and took her home.

When they got home Samantha hugged him tight. “Thanks Haku, you are my hero!” The End

Haku’s breathing was easing up as he visibly relaxed. “I think every dragon hero needs some chocolate pudding.” He looked at Samantha, “Please?” he asked.

“I agree! Chocolate pudding sounds good.” She ran back downstairs, and brought two chocolate puddings up. They both enjoyed the tasty snack.

When they were finished Samantha picked up her pencil again. “Do you want to be in another story, Haku?”

Haku had a wary look in his eyes. “No, Haku the hero needs to take a nap. You go ahead and write your stories. I think Haku has had enough adventure for today.”

Samantha grinned. It had worked. She had found a way to keep Haku from always taking charge of her stories. There was more than one way to tame a mighty dragon.

Pulling out a fresh piece of paper, she began. “Once Upon a Time …”

Sweet Lemonade Moments

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There was nothing that she could do to get the sour taste out of her mouth. No matter how many sweets she ate, the sour taste didn’t go away.

She looked at all of the candy har wrappers in front of her. She had to get a grip, or soon the scales would let a sour taste in her mouth as well.

Felicity threw away the candy bar wrappers and plopped down on the couch with a tall glass of water.

It wasn’t fair! There wasn’t a strong enough mouthwash to wash away the sour taste left on one’s heart.

She thought she was better. That she was over the hurt, but when she saw Justine, she knew there would be trouble. Felicity had been unable to stop the bile from rising in her throat when Justine was gloating loudly about Michael.

She had to get away. How could she go on a bus trip with Justine and her girls. They would probably keep talking about Michael in such glowing term, making sure Felicity heard every word.

It wasn’t that Felicity missed him. Once Michael had shown his true colors, she had  wanted nothing to do with him. Was glad to be rid of him. She only wished that she would have seen his true colors sooner. Seen them so that she could have dumped him before he and his new girlfriend, Justine had humiliated her.

Her sweet friend Meghan had arrived as Felicity was headed for the door. She had mumbled that she couldn’t stay as she rushed past a bewildered Meghan.

When she came home, she wound up eating  too many fun-size candybars. Ugh! She was a mess.

The doorbell was ringing. Who would be at her door. Before Felicity made it to the door, it opened, and Meghan was standing in front of her with her arms open.

She wrapped Felicity in a warm hug.

“I am sorry I didn’t explain things…”

“No need to. I figured it out when I saw Justine and her  group of girls wearing pink. If I had known they were coming, I would never have  suggested the bus trip. That group of girls makes Maleficent look tame.”

Felicity groaned, “You are right. Want a candybar?”

Meghan took the Snickers bar, thanked her, and then noticed her vase on the table.  “I like your vase of flowers and lemons.”

“I made it last night, and life threw the lemons this morning. I am ready for some sweetness to counteract the sour now.” With a devious glint in her eye, Felicity looked at Meghan.

“It’s too bad that their isn’t such a thing as the karma police. That would be sweet hearing about something that happened to Justine and Michael.  Nothing too bad, of course.”

Before Felicity put another candybar in her mouth, Meghan took her hand. “You need to get out of the house. Let’s go tubing down the lazy river.”

“I like that idea. Let me go change.” Felicity headed to her room. Maybe today would have some sweet moments after all. Letting go of her troubles while floating down the river sounded wonderful to her.

After floating for two hours, they went home and changed. Then, they hit the salon for manicures and pedicures.

“Thanks so much, Meghan, for a fun day. Was exactly what I needed to forget. “What’s his name.” What  color do you think I should choose for my nails? Caribbean blue or lemon yellow?”

After their nails were done, they grabbed some sandwiches and iced coffees at a nearby cafe.

“Maybe next weekend we can take a day trip to Bittersweet Creek. I haven’t seen my friend Cara for quite awhile.” Meghan said.

“Cara? She works at Mason’s Diner, right? Works for the guy with the awesome hair?”

Meghan laughed. “Yes, but sorry, my friend, he is taken.”

“Well, maybe he has a friend?” Felicity’s mouth curved into a sly smile.

“There is a guy named Tippner who owns a bicycle shop.”

“Perfect! I like to ride bike.”

Shaking her head, Meghan let out a “Riiight! Do you even own a bike?

“Nope! That’s why we need to pay a visit to Tippner’s bicycle shop.” Felicity gave her a smug smile.

Meanwhile, Justine was losing patience fast.

“Blow your horn more!”

Michael blew the horn again, but the cow wouldn’t budge.

“I think it’s deaf.”

Justine opened the door. No cow was going to make her late for her pageant! She held up her gown as she walked toward the cow.

“Move it!”

The cow’s deep brown eyes looked directly at her . Her cowbell sparkled, and she started to move.

“That’s right, move out of  the way.”

The cow turned around and ….


That was when Justine found out about cow pies and how hard they were to clean off of diamond studded shoes.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! Here is hoping that I only need to post my quotes once this week and that they won’t magically disappear. Instead I hope that any worries you may have can magically disappear this week. That in this crazy world, these quotes, and my little stories can help to bring smiles to your heart. Have a great day!











The White Kimono

This is Part 2 to Saturday’s post, Stepping Back in Time

The day was warm, and little Hudson was getting bored. Why was his mom taking so long? He missed home and was ready to leave Japan. Ready to run with his husky, Shadow again. Poor Shadow probably missed him so much.

Hudson was tired of standing still while his mom chatted about fruits and yucky vegetables. He let go of his mom’s hand. She was busy talking to a vendor and didn’t notice. He figured he would wander around a little, but wouldn’t go far.

He kept looking over at his mom, and she was still talking. A brilliant red butterfly flew by distracting Hudson. Red was his favorite color and butterflies were fun to chase.

The butterfly would zig in one direction, and Hudson would zag, following it. Soon, the crowds of people were behind them, and Hudson was following the butterfly into the hills.

Maybe he would be able to get close enough to the butterfly to touch it. Hudson kept following it, not thinking about how far away he was getting from his mom.

C’mon, butterfly land somewhere so I can touch you, thought Hudson. His short legs started to get tired as the butterfly kept flying.

Hudson watched the butterfly keep flying, and he gave up. Maybe he would walk over the hill in the opposite direction and see what he could find.

The sun was shining down on Hudson, making him grow hotter. His eyes started getting heavy, and his steps grew slower. Maybe he would take a short nap on this grassy hill. Soon, he was fast asleep, dreaming of chasing butterflies.

Someone was gently shaking him, telling him to wake up. Hudson cracked open his eyes and saw a lady all in white smiling down at him. Was he seeing an angel?

“Wake up, little one, what is your name?”


“Where is your home? Are your parents close by?”

His parents? Hudson rubbed his eyes, sitting up more, and looked around. It was then that he realized he was lost. He didn’t know how to find his mom. His eyes began to fill with tears.

The lady in white gave him a hug, assuring him that she would help him.

Hudson held her hand as they walked back into town. Her hand was soft, and her smile comforted him. He thought she was beautiful and remembered staring up at her as they walked.

True to her word, the lady in white reunited Hudson with his parents. He will never forget how good his mom’s hug felt that day and seeing tears glisten in his father’s eyes.

The kind lady that had found Hudson invited all of them to follow her back to the hills and come to her wedding! She was getting married but still had taken time to help Hudson. His parent’s hearts were full and overflowing with gratitude and they were honored to be invited to her wedding.

Hudson didn’t remember much of the wedding, but he never forgot the kindness of the lady in white on that day many years ago!

He looked at the painting. A gift from Haruyo to his parents. Haruyo had become a artist and painted women wearing classical kimonos. His parents had passed the painting onto him when they moved, and it was past time for Hudson to hang it on the wall. Right above his desk would be the perfect place. The perfect place for his angel in the white kimono.

**Thanks to my friend, LT from https://luminousaether.wordpress.com/2024/06/08/to-destroy-a-nation-part-1/ for doing a little research about Haruyo Morita and finding out that Haruyo was a artist and that the kimono in the painting was a Shinto wedding kimono. It was fun to be able to incorporate those details into my story. She also had found that the name Haruyo Morita meant “forest field” so I thought the wedding picture from Pinterest would fit that. I hope you enjoyed the story.

The Stolen Painting Twist … The Dolphin Lifeguards … A Potato Tribute and Other Facts!


Sounds like a fair deal to me!


Dolphins make great lifeguards!


Good things can come out of bad situations. This was a fitting tribute to him.


I am glad the bird got away!


It is a pretty blue!


Maybe the car really did blow up.

7. Bonus Fact and most important:Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Dads out there that have impacted a child’s life. You make a difference! A SPECIAL shout out to my Dad, the amazing man who raised me and to my husband, an amazing father to our children. Love you both! ❤️

Stepping Back in Time

Painting by Harayo Morito

The attic was already pretty hot. It would become unbearable in a few hours.  The heat of summer had arrived!

All he needed were two boxes. He hoped they were easy to find. His wife had told him at breakfast that she better pass on the twins, baby clothes, before she got struck with baby fever again. 

“Hudson! What are you doing? Your pancakes are getting cold.”

He saw Aria standing at the bottom of the attic steps, looking up at him.

Where were the pink boxes? They should stand out. Oh, there they were in the corner.

“Will be down soon, honey. I found the  baby clothes.”

He heard the sound of Aria’s laughter mixed with disbelief. “Wow! You sure were quick to get those boxes for me. Were you afraid I would change my mind? Maybe try for triplets this time, “she teased.”

Hudson handed her the boxes when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

“You know me, always quick to help.”

Aria twisted her mouth in a wry grin. “Good! Remember the leak in the sink that I told you about two weeks ago? It’s still leaking … my dear.” Looking too pleased with herself, she gave Hudson a quick kiss on the cheek before heading back downstairs.

Sighing, Hudson started to close the attic door. It looked like his words had gotten him in trouble again and that he would be going to the hardware store this morning.

Oh, but there was one more thing he wanted to get down from the attic. He had almost forgotten.

Going back up to the attic, he grabbed the large box that he had spied before and brought it down.

By the shape of the box, it was obviously a large picture. He thought it might be the picture he had of the family cabin by the lake. It would look perfect in his office.

Crash! “Nooo, Caleb, stay off the table!”

Hudson would have to look at the picture later. He put the picture in his office and then hurried downstairs, wondering if he and his wife would survive the “terrible twos.”

“Corinna, take that out of your mouth, now!”

It had been a busy day, but at least the sink was fixed. The twins were down for a nap, and Aria had dozed off on the couch while reading. Hudson walked upstairs to his office to get some work done and look at the picture he had brought down from the attic.

When he pulled the picture out from the box, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He had forgotten all about this painting! The painting of the lady in the white kimono. Emotions swept over him like a tidal wave. He may have forgotten that he had the painting, but he would never forget the lady in the white kimono.

*to be continued…*

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

What is the one non-necessity item that you will always want one more of ? The one thing that you will keep buying. Mine is books, and actually it may be a necessity item, for books help keep me sane.

One can talk about the sweetness of a berry … but one truly doesn’t know, until they take a bite. A head full of knowledge is good, but a heart full of experiences is what life is all about!

When you need a smile, look up Holderness family videos on YouTube! They are a fun couple to watch.  I hope you enjoy this one! Happy Friday to everyone. Have a Great Day! 


When Joy Blooms

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Once upon a time, there was a mighty mouse, Lord Sebastian , who ruled the land. He was kind and fair, and everyone was happy in the land of Brie.

Well, almost everyone. Sebastian’s son, Stuart, was feeling rather blue.

Miss Nibbles, the cook, opened the refrigerator to make lunch. She reached up on the top shelf and… it was gone! Shaking her head in disbelief, she gave a yell, knowing exactly who the little cheese thief was.


Stuart tried to shrink more into the corner so Miss Nibbles wouldn’t find him, but he knew it wouldn’t work. She always had sharp eyes, and he couldn’t hide anything from her. He still was quick to put his paws behind his back.

Soon, the cook was standing in front of him, looking down on him with a big frown.

“Hand over the blue cheese. I know you have it. I can see the traces of it around your mouth.”

Stuart handed over the small chunk that was left.

She sighed, “That won’t be enough for your father. Go ahead and finish it.”

She handed it back to him but didn’t leave. Instead, she sat down beside him. Miss Nibbles was a caring mouse, and she had known Stuart since he was a little pipsqueak.

“Why have you been eating so much blue cheese lately? If you keep eating so much, your belly will become a giant cheese puff!”

When Stuart didn’t even crack a smile, Miss Nibbles felt concerned.

“What has you feeling so blue?”

“I don’t want to be King!”

Miss Nibbles raised her eyebrows. “Is Lord Sébastien stepping down as King?”

Stuart’s whiskers twitched. “Not now, but someday he will, and then I will be King and have to rule. I won’t be able to play all day, and that’s not even the worst part! Angelina has been running around telling everyone that she is going to be my queen! I don’t want a queen, especially not her.

Miss Nibbles tried not to squeak too loud with laughter. She was relieved it wasn’t anything more serious, but poor Stuart did look really sad. She couldn’t blame him. Angelina, the ballerina, had always been full of herself.

“Listen, Stuart, you will get to pick who you want to be your Queen, and it most certainly doesn’t need to be pesky Angelina.”

Stuart cracked a smile.

“Ahh! Now, that is what I like to see. My boy is smiling. As far as I know your Daddy isn’t stepping down from his throne anytime soon, so stop worrying and get busy playing! Your Uncle Mickey and Aunt Minnie will soon be here.”

Stuart’s smile spread wider at the news. He always had a ton of fun with his aunt and uncle. Spending time with them was filled with amusement. They made the town of Brie feel like a magical kingdom.

Rising up to his feet, he took off running. He needed to get ready and make sure he looked his best. Last time, they brought their friend Goofy along. He was so funny. No one could be blue when Goofy was around.

Aunt Minnie and Uncle Mickey had finally arrived, and Stuart was grinning from ear to ear at Goofy’s antics.

Minnie turned to Stuart’s mom and spoke up, “I would love to see your rose garden.” She gave a small wink, as Stuart’s mom smiled.

“I would be glad to show you.”

Minnie turned to Stuart. “Will you come with me, Stuart? I want to hear what you have been up to. You are growing so fast.”

Stuart would much rather stay with Goofy than look at boring roses, but he did like his Aunt Minnie, so he nodded his head.”

“Don’t look so excited! We aren’t that bad of company and we won’t be long.” His mom said.

Giving his mom a weak smile, he didn’t say anything. Though he knew better. When his mom and aunt got to talking, they didn’t stop. Maybe he would be able to slink away without them noticing.

“Such beautiful roses. What do you think of that one, Stuart?’ His aunt pointed at a large pink one.

Looked like an ordinary ….

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“Surprise! Hi Stuart!”

He couldn’t believe it. It was his friend Blossom, who lived close to his aunt and uncle.

“Wow! I didn’t know you were coming. Want to go play?” Stuart pleaded with his eyes, looking at his mom.

She smiled, “Yes, go scamper away, you two. Have fun.”

Off they ran. Blossom was a fun friend to have, much better than Angelina. Stuart was glad to see her again.

“Hey Blossom, have you ever thought of being a queen someday?” Asked Stuart, thinking that maybe the future was looking rosy after all.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

No, you aren’t seeing double. I am posting again. They say the 3rd time is the charm, but I am hoping the 2nd time is! Apparently, my post disappeared from this morning. Maybe Freckles the cat is somewhere close by! Anyway, here are the quotes again for those who hadn’t seen them yet, and for those who did, some things are worth a second read. 🙂











Up in Smoke

This is Part 2 of Freckles the Mysterious Cat

Tippner finished his glass of cool, sparkling water and put his hand in his jeans pocket to get some change out  for a tip.

“Dig down deep!” Cara called out to him as she headed his way to wipe down the tables.

With triumph shining in his eyes, he held up the coin.

“Look at that, a shiny nickel for you.”

“It better have some greenbacks with it, or who knows what your sandwich may look like tomorrow.” Giving him a smirk, Cara walked over to the customer in the far back corner booth.

“Hi! My name is Cara. may I help you?”

SuzyLoo smiled, “Yes, please, I will have the Number 4 special with a side of tuna salad for my cat.”

That was when Cara noticed the cat  under the table. She didn’t know what to say. Pets weren’t typically allowed in the diner, but no one was here now, so maybe Mason wouldn’t mind. Plus, the lady was in the back corner of the restaurant. There shouldn’t be a problem.

Crash! Cara turned her head right in time to see four juice glasses fall from the tray that Mason was holding.

‘Whoa! Looks like Cara isn’t the only one with butterfingers around here.” Tippner patted Mason on the shoulder  as he passed by. Then he helped him pick up the glasses.

“Anyone can drop something once,” replied Mason. “I am fine.”

He put the glasses back on the tray and headed to the back room to get the mop to mop up the sticky orange juice.

Tippner was heading out the door when he felt something strange come over him. He headed back to his table and put some more bills on the table. Then he started whistling as he headed for the door, knowing Cara would be happy.

Ouch! Tippner looked across the diner and saw poor Mason bang his knee on the mop bucket when he tripped over the little rug in front of the register.

“It’s okay. Anyone can trip over a rug.” Tippner quipped, struggling to hold back his laughter.

Mason shot him a look as Tippner made a quick exit from the restaurant.

Later that night, SuzyLoo was relaxing at the Doolally Hotel. The friendly owner of the bike shop had recommended it. It was a weird name, but the hotel was charming and comfortable. Tomorrow, she and Freckles would check out more of the town and maybe she would have to buy the bright orange bicycle that had caught her eye.

The next morning, SuzyLoo made a stop at Sarah’s Flower Shop. The flowers were beautiful and the plants looked so green and healthy. It was hard to decide which ones to buy. Though she didn’t know why she was buying any,  they would all probably die.

SuzyLoo didn’t have a green thumb anymore. Not since Freckles had arrived. Hmm…. that was yet another strange thing that had happened since Freckles came to live with her.

“Oh dear!” Suzy heard Sarah shout in dismay. Her plants seemed to be wilting in front of her eyes.

SuzyLoo looked in her pet carrier. Freckles was gone. Where was he?

“Noo! Not my hydrangeas.”  Sarah was standing by the purple hydrangeas, which had been looking so pretty a few minutes ago but not now.

SuzyLoo saw Freckles close by Sarah. She moved as fast as she could to retrieve Freckles without Sarah noticing. It didn’t take long to grab him and put him safely back in the carrier. Sarah was too distracted by her dying plants, which SuzyLoo was beginning to feel a little guilty about. Did Freckles really have magic powers??

For lunch later that day, SuzyLoo went back to Mason’s diner. Cara’s homemade pies were delicious, and Freckles was more than happy to stay under the table with his tuna platter.

Cara’s tray was piled high with dishes that she had cleaned off the tables. SuzyLoo didn’t know how she managed to walk holding the tray in one hand and coffee pot in the other, without spilling anything. Quite agile.

Crash! The same couldn’t be said for the guy named Mason. He seemed to drop things every time Suzy was here. Though he sure wasn’t bad on the eyes with that great hair! It was so wavy, and it had a shiny glean to it. Guess one couldn’t have both. Great hair and coordination.

SuzyLoo bent under the table to get Freckles platter.

She handed it to Cara, “No need to wash that dish, Freckles licked it clean, not a spot on it.” SuzyLoo said with pride.

Cara thanked her while biting her tongue. If SuzyLoo ever moved here, Cara would make sure to bring her own plates for any meals at her house.

“I turn at the Cherry tree and go straight for ten  miles, and then Mr Fuzzywhistle’s farm will be on my left?” SuzyLoo asked.

“Yes, and I am sure you will enjoy it there. There are ducks in the lake and a pair of swans, sheep, and you may even be lucky enough to see Betsy, the cow.”

SuzyLoo didn’t think there was anything specifically special about cows, but she was polite and smiled.

Leaving Cara a generous tip, she and Freckles left the diner and headed down the road.

Cara couldn’t believe it. Tippner had  left another generous tip, a crisp $10 bill. She didn’t know what had come over him but she hoped it didn’t stop!

What a pleasant drive through the country. Mr Fuzzywhistle’s farm had been easy to find, and Mr Fuzzywhistle was as kind as Cara had said. He and the Mrs. always enjoyed having company. They were proud to show SuzyLoo around the farm. She made sure to keep a tight hold on Freckles, who was in her arms.

Mr Fuzzywhistle scratched his head. “That’s strange. Why are the ducks turning around? They were headed to the lake.”

Sure enough, Mama duck was leading her little ones in a big circle away from the lake to the pasture.

“Oh dear! Honey, look!”

Mrs Fuzzywhistle pointed to the little lambs heading for the lake about to jump in.

“What in tarnation is going on?” Old man, Fuzzywhistle ran to the lake and waded in to grab the two baby lambs.

SuzyLoo thought that perhaps this would be a good time to go look for Betsy, the cow. It appeared that Mr and Mrs Fuzzywhistle had their hands full.

Walking towards the pasture, she saw the cow in the distance.  She walked over to it and couldn’t say she was overly impressed. It was only an ordinary brown cow.

Ooh, but when Betsy turned her head, SuzyLoo saw the shiny, sparkling cowbell. She had never seen such a fancy cowbell. Never being able to resist shiny things, she reached out and touched it. It rang once and then twice, and on the third ring, Freckles almost jumped out of her arms. It didn’t know what to think of the flume of pink and purple smoke around them.

“Uh-oh! Do you think we should have warned her about Betsy?” Mrs Fuzzywhistle asked her husband when they saw the smoke billowing in the sky.

Old man Fuzzywhistle patted his wife’s hand. “Who knows? She and Freckles may be in for the greatest adventure of their lives.”

They walked up to the rockers on their porch and watched Mama duck lead her little ones back to the lake, and the lambs frolic in the meadow. All was well.

The next day, Cara sighed as she picked up the shiny nickels and a couple of dollars. Unfortunately, it looked like Tippner’s generous streak had ended.

Where was SuzyLoo? She hadn’t come for lunch. Cara wondered how her visit to the farm had gone.

Tippner was talking to Mason at the register when, Crash! Mason cringed at the sound of glass shattering. They turned to see Cara’s red face.

“Looks like things are back to normal, pal.” Tippner chortled as Mason groaned.