Turning Back Time

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It was storming outside, and Sonya’s mood matched the weather. She sat on her red velvet loveseat, staring out her window at the rain.

She had been so tickled when she bought this loveseat at an auction. Sonya hadn’t gone to auctions much before, but her dad really liked them,

One night, she had agreed to go with him and that’s when she found the loveseat.

After getting a fabulous deal on the loveseat, she became addicted to auctions and would often go with her dad. She didn’t always find a deal, but she still enjoyed seeing all the things that were up for auction. She would get some small items at times. Her small Cape Cod home couldn’t handle much more furniture.

It was ironic that now she was sitting on the loveseat as she thought about her lost love. Was there a piece of furniture called the broken heart couch?

A wry smile crossed her face. How appealing would that be to try and market. Don’t miss out on buying a cloudburst blue, broken heart couch. Drown in your sorrow as you sink into its plush cushions.

She still couldn’t believe there was a color called cloudburst blue, but she had seen it when shopping in the paint store the other day. It sounded like the perfect color to her now.

Oh, how Sonya missed Marshall. A tear rolled down her face.

She didn’t think any more tears were left, but they kept slinking out of her eyes.

One moment, things had been sizzling between them, and the next moment, it was as if the skies had opened up and doused out all the flames.

All because of the most stupid mistake that Sonya had ever made. If she could literally kick herself, she would be black and blue. Instead, her heart felt black and blue as she mentally beat herself up.

Her parents and friends were worried about her. Told her she had to forgive herself and move on, but how. How was she supposed to do that when she had lost the love of her life?

Swiping at her face, she stared out the window and spoke out loud. “If only I could turn back time.”

Brrr! Sonya was freezing. Where was she, and how could it be snowing? Spring had come a week ago. Apparently, spring hadn’t come to this town yet.

This was crazy. She must be dreaming, but it certainly felt real as she walked down the deserted street.

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. Okay, this was definitely strange! Was that a real phone booth in front of her? Her parents often talked about phone booths, but Sonya had never been inside of one. They were a thing of the past. No one needed a phone booth anymore, except maybe poor Superman. Now, he had nowhere to change.

Her dad had fun telling that joke and his 101 other ones that made poor Sonya’s head hurt. Though she must admit that there were some she inwardly laughed at while rolling her eyes at her dad. Couldn’t give him the satisfaction by laughing outright.

A man was in the phone booth with his back turned to her. His hair reminded her of Marshall, and he was about the same height as Marshall. She walked closer towards the booth, and her heart was skipping beats as her body tingled all over. The guy turned around. It was Marshall!

She ran to the booth, and the door swung open. Marshall’s broad smile greeted her, and he opened his arms.

“Sonya! I couldn’t be happier to see you. I have no clue what is going on or how I got here. One moment, I was taking a shortcut through a pasture. Saw a cow with a sparkling cowbell, and the next moment, I was here! I wanted to call you, but I didn’t have any change. Who carries coins anymore?

I don’t know how we got here, but I am really thankful to be here together.”

“But… but… don’t you remember? Oh, Marshall, I am so sorry about what I did. I love you and never would have…”

Marshall cupped her face in his strong but gentle hands. “What are you talking about? You aren’t making sense. Why would you be sorry? You mean the world to me!” He kissed her with a passion that made her weak in her knees as she clung to him.

Sonya was speechless with amazement. Did he not remember that he had broken up with her? Somehow, they must have traveled back in time, and the break up had never happened. She felt like weeping with joy. Everything was alright again, and she lost herself giving in to the passion , yearning from her heart.

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When someone’s thoughtfulness touches your heart What’s a thoughtful act that you remember shown to you?

I mentioned two weeks ago about sending a snail mail card or writing a note to someone … Did you rise to the challenge or are you two weeks late, like me … Writing my card today.

When you feel defeated, don’t underestimate what the power of love can do!

The Grumpy Rabbit

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It was a beautiful day down on Sunny Springs Farm. Clara, the cow, had called over to her two friends to come meet her at the barn.

“What’s up, Clara? I was on my way to the lake, and Dewdrop wanted to frolic with his friends in the meadow.”

“It’s about the newcomer, Rumplestilskin, the rabbit. He has been grumpy ever since he came here.”

Dewdrop shook his head up and down. “Of course he is grumpy, I would be too if Rumplestilskin was my name.”

Clara couldn’t hide her smile. Dewdrop had a point.

“Do you two have any suggestions of what we could do to make him happy?”

Dewdrop and Pixie looked at each other and back at Clara again.

“You tell her.” Pixie said to Dewdrop.

Dewdrop looked a little sheepish. “Well, I did hear of one suggestion that was made.”

“I heard it too. I agree, as do the others.”

Clara raised her eyes, “The others?”

“Yeah, at the meeting…”

“Pixie!” Dewdrop yelled.


Clara was confused. “What meeting? I didn’t know about any meetings.”

“Luna the llama, didn’t want you to know.”

Dewdrop shook his head. “You certainly have a big mouth for one so tiny.”

Pixie gave him a small peck.

Dewdrop knocked Pixie down.

“Heyyy….Stop fighting and explain to me what is going on.” Clara gave them both a sharp glare.

“Luna didn’t want you at the meeting because she said you were always too kind and that she and the others think Rumplestilskin should be handed over to Betsy to deal with. Let her send him to the swamp.”

Clara shook her head vigorously. “He is grumpy, not mean! I will think of something and you two can leave now, before I get grumpy.”

They didn’t need to be told twice. Dewdrop ran to the meadow, and Pixie headed to the lake.

Clara watched them leave and tried to think of how she could cheer Rumplestilskin up. There had to be another way, besides calling on Betsy.

Betsy, was an amazing cow with her enchanted bell. Had helped many animals and dealt with the bad ones. But Clara was convinced that Rumplestilskin wasn’t bad, and she would prove it to the others.

Later that day, Clara was contently grazing when she spied Rumplestilskin standing alone near a tree.

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He looked sad, and Clara was going to try and talk to him. She hadn’t come up with any great plans yet on how to cheer him up, but maybe she could learn more about him.

Clara felt sorry for the poor rabbit after hearing his story. He had lost his golden egg. It was special because his mama had given it to him the day he left home.

His mama had told him that the Easter Bunny had given it to his Grandma, who had passed it on to her, and now she was passing it on to him. It was a housewarming present for his new burrow at SunnySprings Farm.

He didn’t know where it could be. he had hunted all over the farm for it. No wonder he was grumpy, thought Clara.

“I will search for it for you and see if I can find it. I will tell the others too. Don’t you worry, working together we will find your golden egg.”

Rumplestilskin gave a tiny smile. “Thank you.” Then he looked back down at the ground.

Clara walked away to begin her search and spread the word. The animals were glad to help search for the egg when Clara told them the story.

Clarice, the chicken, was the only one who stubbornly refused to help. She had to sit on her eggs, she protested.

Rumplestilskin was delighted! His golden egg had been found.

The other farm animals were happy for him and felt bad at having thought the worse of him before. He was really friendly now and hopped with joy all over the farm.

All the animals rejoiced, except for poor Clarice.The chicken was in hysterics.

She had first claimed that she had no idea how the golden egg got in her nest, but then she confessed to stealing it. It had looked so pretty and she had wanted it! She was a chicken, so she insisted that she deserved to have the egg,

Clara frowned at her, and Clarice sweated under Clara’s intense gaze. It looked like Clara may be contacting Betsy after all. Someone needed to learn a lesson.

Elves in the Sand

Thanks to Jason for these wonderful photos that inspired my story. Check out more of his photos at http://jasonfrels.com/2024/03/23/white-sands/

It was a warm, sunshiny day, and they were sledding! No bulky winter coats needed. Jangle was especially liking that part. He secretly wished that Santa would move to the South Pole.

Whoosh! Blaze sped by them down the sand dune.

“How can she go so fast?” Snowball asked Alabaster. Alabaster could only shrug. He was clueless, which wasn’t anything new.

Blaze had only been at the NorthPole for a short time, but she caught on real quick. Santa was really pleased with having another good elf working for him. At first she had been Chef Salvo’s assistant, but Santa quickly realized that it might be safer for her to work in the toy department. While working in the kitchen she had used up alot of their first aid supplies.

CandyCane was pleased as well. Having another female to help keep her sanity amidst all the crazy guys she dealt with was always a blessing.

Though at times it appeared that Blaze had been brainwashed by PUN-ny Alabaster and Snowball. For she could be quick with puns too. Jangle enjoyed laughing at their puns while CandyCane rolled her eyes or smacked her poor head.

They all had chosen to go visit the sand dunes for a much needed vacation after the busy Christmas season. They all were in awe at the beauty of the pure white sand all around them.

When they saw some people sledding down the high sand dunes, they all agreed to give it a try. What fun it was, even if Blaze was beating them all down the hill almost every time.

“She is speedy when she runs too!” Candy Cane said. “My speed when running is pretty low, compared to hers.”

Jangle laughed, “I don’t know if I would call it running that you do. Maybe a fast walk.” CandyCane made a face.

“We should call Blaze, Lightning. She sure seems to travel like a lightning bolt. Whoosh! And she is gone.” Alabaster said, and the others agreed. Lightning could be her nickname, they decided.

After another hour of sledding down the dunes, they stopped. The one drawback to the sand was that they couldn’t throw snowballs. Sand didn’t work too well for that.

They all started walking, wondering what they should do next. CandyCane wanted to go to the beach, but the beach was rather far away. That wasn’t happening on this trip.

“I loved surfing when I lived at the beach.” Blaze told them.

“Alabaster and I surfed before, and we were pretty good.”

Blaze was impressed and said they would all have to go and surf some really big waves together.

Alabaster grabbed Snowball’s arm and whispered to him, “We barely know how to surf, and now she wants us to hit big ten foot waves? Are you crazy?”

Snowball’s face had gone a little pale, but he patted Alabaster on the arm. “No worries, friend. There are no beaches around here. By the time we take another vacation, she will have forgotten all about it. Blame CandyCane. She’s the one who mentioned the beach in the first place.”

That’s true, thought Alabaster. They both shot CandyCane a look with their laser beaming eyes.

But she kept walking, paying no heed to their looks, aimed at the back of her head.

It was fun walking in the soft sand, unlike the crunchy snow that they typically walked in.

Everyone had taken off their sandals to enjoy the feel of the soft sand between their toes. Well, everyone but Alabaster. He wasn’t taking any chances of burning his feet on the sand.

Oww!! Snowball yelled and started jumping around.

“What is wrong?” They asked, but all he could do was yell Ow!

Alabaster was feeling proud that he had kept his sandals on. He was no fool.

Snowball looked like a little jumping bean. His friends tried not to laugh, for they were truly concerned.

Then CandyCane looked down at his feet, and Jangle saw them the same time that she did.

“Sandcrabs!”They shouted.

There were at least a dozen of them all over poor Snowball’s feet.

Alabaster stared in shock. He thought sandcrabs were only found at the beach. Snowball took off running, stirring up gusts of sand, but it worked. The sand crabs fell off of his feet.

His friends caught up to him as he had collapsed on the sand and was sitting in a daze.

“I miss the snow.” He moaned, looking at the tiny red bite spots all over his feet.

Fortunately, the sting of the bites didn’t last long, and it wasn’t long before Snowball was back to his jolly elf self. But he did take his shoes and socks out of his backpack and put them on. He wasn’t taking any more chances. The sand dunes still stretched out before them for a long distance.

“Next time we are going to a grand hotel with an indoor pool.” He grumbled.

“Great idea! The waves in the pool shouldn’t be too challenging for you and Alabaster to surf.” CandyCane said with a smirk. Blaze joined her in laughter as they kept walking.

Jangle turned to the guys. “I wasn’t in Florida when you guys went. Did you really surf some big waves?”

Snowball straightened himself up, puffing out his chest a little. “Well, we don’t like to brag, but ….” and Alabaster joined in, chatting along with Snowball, describing their daring feats in the waves. Jangle was impressed.

“Maybe you all can teach me how to surf. That way I could impress CandyCane the next time we go to the beach.”

Alabaster patted Jangle on the back. “Trust us, we will make you an expert. Showing you how to display grace and style, as you balance yourself on the surfboard. ” he said, as he then proceeded to trip over the plant in front of them, face splat in the sand.

The Bleeding Heart Dove … Magical Math … A Unique Painting … And Other Facts ….


“The Luzon Bleeding-heart Pigeon gets its name from a dark, red patch of feathers on its breast that looks like a bleeding wound. During the breeding season, males attract females by showing an inflated breast to display their vivid blood marking or “heart”.” Makes me feel sorry for the dove when I look at it, so I guess that’s how the males attract the females, they feel sorry for them. 🙂


Did it work for you? Its extremely rare, but yes, sometimes math can be fun.


This is why I don’t write scary stories. “Hallmark” type stories don’t require keeping a light on at night. 🙂


Mauna Kea silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense subsp.) also known as The Flower of Patience. It is a federally listed endangered species endemic to the island of Hawaii (Big Island). It is the “crown jewel” of the volcanic mountain Mauna Kea, at elevations above 2,600 m (8,500 ft).”


Thinking I would feel quite small standing by one of them. But I do love palm trees, and they hold a special meaning today as well.

A talented painter!

A Job Like No Other!

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This was totally bizarre. Had she entered the twilight zone?

When she had spotted the ad, she was excited. Having recently graduated from nursing school, she was ready for her first job. But she hadn’t wanted to work in a hospital , she wanted something different.

Looks like you got your wish. She thought to herself.

The job opening was described as looking for a live-in private nurse to help an elderly gentleman. If this position worked out, it would solve the problem of her having to find a place to live.  Kill two birds with one stone.

Carly had made sure to be here fifteen minutes early. The grandeur of this mansion had taken her breath away when she walked in, but she hadn’t yet seen anyone. 

When arriving, she pushed the intercom button and said who she was. The large doors automatically opened, ushering her inside. They closed with a bang that startled her once she got inside. Sent an uneasy tremor through her.

A large, black cat stared at her and started up the stairs. There was a sign by the stairs that said, “Follow the cat.” so she had.

Now, she was in a private bedroom with a mirror on the wall and a wide thick curtain hanging down beside the mirror.  As if it separated the room from another one.  Was this supposed to be the bedroom she would be staying in?

If so, she would let them know that she wanted more than a curtain separating her room from another room.

When she called to schedule an interview, she talked to a friendly receptionist. A Miss Peters. Where was that lady now?

Carly sat on the overstuffed chair and waited. Having the cat watching her from the bed added to her unease. Maybe this was the cat’s room? And maybe the cat’s name was Edgar. That would make her feel a little better.

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Carly was about to get up and leave when a low voice called her name.

“Thank you for coming. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.” A black gloved hand came out from around the curtain.

What was she supposed to do in this bizarre situation? She timidly touched the gloved hand, and he covered her small hand with a firm grip.

This didn’t appear to be a feeble, old man. But maybe this wasn’t the elderly gentleman. Perhaps it was his son or grandson? So many things were going through her mind right now. Her imagination was going into overdrive with the way this morning was turning out.

The man released his grip and handed her what appeared to be a typical application. The only typical thing about this morning so far.

“Once you complete the application, you can hand it back to me. In the meantime, would you like some coffee? If you ring the bell by the door, Miss Peters will come with a frothy cappuccino for you.”

At the mention of Miss Peters, Carly breathed an inward sigh of relief. Miss Peters was here. She was not in this mansion alone with a mysterious man.

Her stomach felt a little less shaky now and a frothy cappuccino sounded perfect. When she pushed the button she heard Miss Peters bubbly voice. “May I help you?”

“Yes, this is Carly, and I was told you could bring me a frothy cappuccino to drink.”

“No problem, I will hop right up to your room in a few minutes.”

“Thank you!” Carly smiled. It would certainly be reassuring to see a friendly face.

The application didn’t take long at all to fill out. Asked all the basic questions. It also asked if she liked animals. That wasn’t a typical question, but she guessed the man wanted to make sure she liked his cat.

Edgar was still watching her, and Carly walked over to him. “You are a handsome cat.” She put out her hand to stroke him, and he purred. Yes, she wouldn’t mind Edgar, whether or not that was his name, that’s what she would call him.

She signed her name on the application and announced that she was finished. The black gloved hand came out from around the curtain again, and she placed the application in his hand.

Hearing the door open Carly turned around.

“Here is your cappacino, I hope you like it!”

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“Opps! Silly me, this is a cappacino flavored ice cream cone. Sorry about that. I will be right back.”

The door shut, leaving Carly standing in the room with her mouth agape, not knowing what to think!

“Welcome to the house of animals.”

The man had stepped out from behind the curtain.

“Hi! My name is Eric. Sorry about the craziness, but my uncle is not your typical patient, and we needed to see how you dealt with peculiar things.

My Uncle Doolittle has been around animals all his life. He appears to have a special touch with them. If I didn’t scare you off, and you like Edgar and dizzy Miss Peters, I think you will be perfect for the job. Are you ready to meet my uncle?”

The door opened again, and the cutest little duck walked in. “Here is your coffee, Miss.”

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Carly thanked the duck for the coffee and took the gentleman’s arm. This was bound to be the most interesting job she ever had!

“Yes, let’s go meet your uncle, and on the way there, can you answer one question for me?”

Eric laughed, “I am surprised you only have one question. Yes, what is it?”

“Exactly how many animals are there?”

As they walked down the hall, Eric explained, “Well, you met Miss Peters and Edgar the cat. Little Waddles brought you your coffee, and then there is Billy and Wally, the twins. Matilda, the old goat, lives outside in the gardener’s house and … Princess, the chihuahua, is getting her beauty treatment right now but will be back soon. Then there was Charlie, the chicken whose life my uncle saved long ago, and that’s a whole other story. “

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Hoping to go see the Cherry Blossoms this week … Where my daughter wants to go for her birthday …

Breathing a big sigh of relief when a dispute with Verizon has finally been settled after spending hours fighting it …. Turned it over to BBB and within two days it was settled!

There’s a new “kid”on the block … My adopted sisterShe is already wrapped around my parent’s hearts.

Sweet Tea and Warm Hearts

The Costa Rican Quetzal

This is the conclusion to Someone in the Shadows

“Are you sure we need to go back?”

Kelsey laugbed at Nadia, sipping on a fruity umbrella drink. They were enjoying the beach on their last day in Costa Rica.

“Listen to you. You were unsure about coming, and now you don’t want to leave.”

Nadia clasped her hands to her  chest, “This trip was simply amazing! Seeing the colorful birds and  beautiful waterfalls. I feel like I lived in paradise for two weeks.”

Collared Whitestart

In a burst of spontaneity, she grabbed Kelsey’s hand and said, “The waves are calling us. We have to make the most of the time we have left. Let’s rent some surfboards and learn to surf.”

“Girl, you are crazy! I probably can’t even stay standing up on a surfboard with all the grace and coordination that I have.”

“All the more reason to learn.” Nadia said. Kelsey  watched her run towards the surfboard stand.

Oooh she didn’t! Kelsey’s stomach started feeling like it was riding waves as it churned. Nadia wasn’t only walking towards her with two surfboards but also with two dreamy,  guys. One on each arm.

“Kelsey, meet Carlos and Javier. They are brothers who are going to teach us how to surf.”

Javier’s smile melted her as he took Kelsey’s hand and asked, “Are you ready for your lesson?”

He was staring directly into her eyes, and she had to remind herself to breathe. He was so close to her.  She could see the water droplets on his golden tanned body.

Two hours later, Kelsey and Nadia walked out of the ocean, feeling proud of themselves. They were far from mastering the art of surfing, but they did have fun learning.

Nadia thanked Carlos and said bye as she headed up the beach. She looked back and saw Javier still standing at the water’s edge and holding Kelsey’s hand.

“Want to meet me here tomorrow morning?”

Kelsey’s heart was doing cartwheels. Why did it have to be their last day?

“I am so  sorry, but we leave tomorrow.”

Javier’s face fell. Then he leaned in, brushing back her wet hair from her ear.  “Meet me on the beach tonight? I can give you more lessons. His finger trailed lightly down her jaw line.

Kelsey’s face was burning, and it wasn’t from the sun!

“Goodbye, Javier.”

She headed up the beach towards Nadia. This was a vacation that she would never forget.

It had been two days since Nadia returned. She was sitting out on her balcony  on a sunny afternoon going through all the  Costa Rica photos on her camera. Oh, how she loved the day they spent hiking and seeing this waterfall. It was impossible to capture all of its beauty in a picture, but she was proud of this one.

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Hearing something, she looked down into her yard and …. Who was that? Why was there an older gentleman standing in her yard? Had he been the one walking through the yard in the evenings?

Nadia headed inside and downstairs. It was time to get some answers.

She walked outside to greet him.

“Hi! I am Nadia. Can I help you?”

The man looked sheepish as he looked down at the ground and back up at her again.

“HI Miss. My name is Arnold, and I … well … I … I have been wanting to introduce myself and apologize for walking in your yard in the evenings.”

Nadia smiled at him, trying to put him at ease.

“I knew Rosalie, the lady who used to live here, and she was so kind about letting me cut through her yard to get home. It was a shortcut to my house that I found accidentally one day after getting lost. Now it’s the only way home that this old brain remembers.”

Nadia looked at him closer. There was something familiar about him.

“Mr Norton? You work at the grocery store uptown, right?”

He smiled and nodded his head. “I do.”

He was the greeter and helped carry customers’ bags to their car. Always had a friendly word for everyone.

“I am Rosalie’s granddaughter, and you are welcome to cut through my yard anytime.  As long as you stop to have a pitcher of sweet tea and some peach cobbler. Would you like to come inside?”

His eyes brightened. “That would be great. Your grandmother always had  sweet tea available, as well.”

Nadia took his arm, helping him up the steps into the house as he kept chatting about her grandmother. Her heart was warm, and she made a mental note that from now on, she would always have sweet tea available. 


Someone in the Shadows

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Nadia gazed into the night sky. Were one’s wishes more likely to come true if made upon a full moon?

In her heart, she spoke ber wish. She didn’t really believe that the moon had any special powers, but sometimes it was fun to pretend.

Oh, how much fun she had pretending when sbe was little. One day, she was a fairy princess, and the next day, a heroine, saving hurt animals.

Climbing the highest mountain to rescue a scared lamb or swimming the deep ocean to save a baby dolphin. Nothing was too hard for Nadia, the Wonder Woman.

She had no fear as a child. Her imagination took her everywhere. What would her inner child think of her now?

The call of the nightengale broke the silence of the night. She paused in thought. Bird songs were something she enjoyed, and she had learned how to distinguish between the various ones. Learning the songs of birds wasn’t something that only old people did. They had more time for it, though.

Nadia remembered sitting with her grandma on her porch, rocking on the porch swing as they listened to the birds. As a child, she would start to get bored, but as she grew, she found herself identifying the bird songs and finding joy in it. She appreciated that her grandmother had taught her the pleasure of taking the time to slow down and listen.

That would be one plus to joining the expedition with her best friend. Traveling through the rain forests of Costa Rica, they were sure to come across all kinds of exotic birds.

The drawback would be that there would be otber “not so great” animals to watch out for. The jaguar and anaconda were rather scary to think about.

On the other hand … Ugh! She was running out of hands as she deliberated between choosing to join her bestie for the rain forest adventure.

A chance to visit another country and one known to be beautiful, why was she holding back?

Fear. It was as simple as that. Nadia liked her comfort zone, and rarely did she venture out of it. But, perhaps now was the time. What did she have to lose?

It would be a way to celebrate being finished with her classes for her doctorate. Going to Costa Rica wasn’t as scary as climbing Mt Everest. That was the adventure her bestie had gone on with her brother. There had been no way of Nadia convincing her to join them on that excursion.

Nadia would miss Daryl, but maybe this time of being apart from him would make his heart grow fonder. Maybe it would make her wish of getting a ring from him come true!

Smiling, she felt a warmth spread throughout her body, thinking of him. He was the one who held her heart.

She would go. It was bound to be fun.

Something moved in the shadows below, and Nadia froze. Her heart quickened. Yes, getting away is something she needed to do. Going somewhere where she could feel safe again.

Ever since she had inherited her grandmother’s beautiful home, she had felt like she was being watched and noticed someone lurking about the property at night.

No one had ever tried coming inside the house, but she still had an uneasy feeling. Being that the person had never approached the house should give her a sense of relief, but why were they on her property at different times throughout the week? Was it someone her grandmother had known? Maybe her property was a shortcut for someone to walk home.

Whatever the reason was if the person kept coming onto her property after Nadia returned from her trip, she would have to find out who they were and what they were doing on her property.

For now, she had bags to pack, and she couldn’t forget her camera to take pictures of the exotic birds.

*To be continued..*