The Apple Pie “Bomb” … The Cadbury Eggs Thief … A Lego Printer and Other Rare Facts …


Small brained perhaps, but sooo cute!


What would make someone think of even trying that??


Oh gosh, another way to make spiders …. creepy crawly!


He actually stole a trailer with 200,000 Cadbury Eggs inside of it!


Another example of how not all mistakes are bad. I remember using the yellow pages a lot! Why can’t my mistakes turn out to be something profitable?


What an amazing guy!

60 thoughts on “The Apple Pie “Bomb” … The Cadbury Eggs Thief … A Lego Printer and Other Rare Facts …

  1. 1. This inspires me to propose The Koala Principle, which observes that the cuter anyone is, the smaller their brain is.
    2. That robber is rotten to the core.
    3. AI spiders should be good at making webs, since they were hatched on the Worldwide Web.
    4. If it was me, I would have eaten all the evidence.
    5. In the untold story, the Cheyenne printer used to store all his “yellow” paper on the outhouse floor.
    6. I’ll bet many blind people have complained after stepping on their Lego printers with bare feet.

    Liked by 4 people

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