Clear Vision

This is the sequel to Little Lord Tenny

Pinterest painting

Moving to a quiet place in the rollling hills of Serenity was the best decision Charmaine could have made.

It had been a month now, and she was getting a daily routine down. Waking up early and taking a walk, listening to the birds greeting the morning with their songs.

The fresh air and solitude were doing wonders at clearing her brain. Helping her to focus on what she really wanted in life. The clouds were lifting from her eyes, and she was realizing that getting her M-R-S. degree wasn’t something to be rushed.

She wasn’t in a hurry to start dating again. Charmaine wanted to take it slow and have her eyes wide open this time. Not be charmed by the first handsome guy that smiles at her.

For now, she would immerse herself into reading the classic books of poetry by Tennyson,Longfellow,Woodsworth, Kent, and Emily Dickinson.

Charmaine hoped that by taking the time to read some of her favorite poets that the spark for painting would ignite in her heart once more. That it would help give her some ideas as to what she should paint.

Right now, whenevet she tried, she only ended up staring at a blank easel, The stress from Gregory over the past year that they were together had sucked the inspiration out of her.

But she didn’t give up so easily. She was determined to paint again. That’s what she told little Lord Tenny whenever he would stop by for a tweet.

The little window stayed open, and Little T made frequent visits. He was becoming quite the pal to talk to. Never had she seen a wild bird so tame before.

He would cock his teeny tiny head sometimes and look at her. Looked so cute, as if he was posing for her.

Often, she wished that she knew what he was thinking, though maybe it was best not to. He probably thought she was crazy as she chattered on and on to him about things that no bird would understand. But he was a good listener sitting on top of Lord Tennyson’s book. She kept it on the table for him, and he always went right to it.

One evening, she had finished eating and cleared the dishes away. She was eager to slip into her lounge pants. It had been a long day at work, and she wanted to get comfy.

It didn’t take her long to change and come back into the kitchen to make a chai tea latte.

“Well, hello! I see you brought a friend with you this time. Little T. “

Another little bird was perched on Charmaine’s vase, and Little Lord Tenny had taken his place on his book.

Pinterest painting

They both looked at her, and she smiled, feeling special. Who else got visited by wild birds. Felt a bit like Snow White. She had been Charmaine’s favorite princess when she was little.

Pouring herself a cup of tea, she sat down and sipped on it, looking at the birds. They looked all poised and … Oh, that was it! How could she not bave seen that before!

Later that night, Charmaine took a step back and stared at her paintings. Paintings of her new fine feathered friends.

Sometimes, the answers you are looking for are right in front of you.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

The end of January is here. How have you done on your resolutions if you made any? I didn’t make any resolutions, but I am aiming to have my story posts published earlier in the morning at more regular hours, like between 8-9 am instead of the midnight hour. We will see what happens. As you know, if you have followed me for a while, nothing is set in stone, expect the unexpected. I hope you enjoy the following quotes, that they touch your heart. As always, thanks for reading!











Little Lord Tenny

Pinterest image

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes Charmaine looked again. The bird was still there. It wasn’t a figment of her imagination. The tiny black capped chickadee was perched on Charmaine’s stack of books.

More specifically, on the book of Tennyson’s poetry. It was on the book containing one of his better-known poems, “The Eagle.”

Charmaine shook her head, “Sorry, little fella, but I don’t think Lord Tennyson wrote any poems about chickadees.”

It flapped its wings and trembled slightly. “Don’t be too disappointed, I will take a look at Keats poetry and Woodsworth. Maybe they have a poem about you. The tiny bird chirped, and Charmaine couldn’t hold back a giggle. It was as if the chickadee understood her.

Giving one more shake of its feathers it chirped and flew into the next room. Where was it going? Charmaine followed after it and watched it fly out the small window in the corner. So, that was how it got in.

Why was there such a tiny window in the house and no screen? She had been so consumed with unpacking over the weekend that she really hadn’t checked the bungalow out much.

Yes, she looked at this place before renting it but hadn’t noticed the tiny window. She had been desperate, needing a place to stay, and when she heard of this country bungalow and saw that the price was right, she quickly snatched it up.

The quicker she had been able to move out of Gregory’s apartment, the better. He had been kind and hadn’t kicked her out, but after a mutual break up, she knew it was time to move on. A place of her own was needed for her to start over. The fairytale that she had thought existed with Gregory wasn’t too be.

Charmaine started to close the window and then stopped. What if the chickadee wanted to come back? As crazy as it might be, she let the window open to see what would happen. Would tiny Lord Tenny come back or not? She would wait and see. Maybe there were more surprises awaiting her in this country bungalow.

*to be continued…*

The Apple Pie “Bomb” … The Cadbury Eggs Thief … A Lego Printer and Other Rare Facts …


Small brained perhaps, but sooo cute!


What would make someone think of even trying that??


Oh gosh, another way to make spiders …. creepy crawly!


He actually stole a trailer with 200,000 Cadbury Eggs inside of it!


Another example of how not all mistakes are bad. I remember using the yellow pages a lot! Why can’t my mistakes turn out to be something profitable?


What an amazing guy!

To Stay or Not to Stay?

This is part 2 to The Fun House!

True to her word, their hostess, Miss Crump, turned the lights back on within a short time.

Kristy and Desiree looked around in relief.  Things weren’t quite as scary with the lights on. But they were still quite confused. There also was no sign of Miss Crump anywhere. Where had she gone?

“I don’t know about you, Kristy, but I say that we get ourselves out of here as quickly as possible. It is obvious that Miss Crump has bats in her belfry.”

Desiree headed straight for the door, but she couldn’t turn the knob. They were locked in. Miss Crump hadn’t been joking.

“Ladies, if you would please follow me, I will show you what your first job is.”

Kristy and Desireee hadn’t heard anyone enter the room, but the butler was standing behind them.

“Our first job? Have we been  hired?” Kristy asked.

“But what if we don’t want the job anymore?” Desiree muttered under her breath.

Kristy’s sharp look  silenced her, and they followed the butler.

He led them up the winding staircase. They gasped in awe when they reached the top of the stairs and saw the hallway. Gorgeous, stained glass windows lined the hallway. Each window depicted an inspiring nature scene. From fiery orange sunrises to colorful sunsets. Single red roses to a field of red poppies and rolling, green hills to the snow covered,  majestic Mt Everest.

Kristy wondered what other pieces  of beautiful artwork were to be found in this mansion. Being an art major made anticipation rise in her heart about working amidst such beauty. While at the same time uneasy about Miss Crump. What kind of lady was she, really?

The tall butler held himself erect, walking like a soldier. Kristy half expected him to start yelling, “March! Right, Left,Right…”

Stopping in front of a door he opened it and ushered the girls inside. Their faces couldn’t hide their shock.

After seeing such shiny opulence, in the dining room downstairs and the hallway, what was the story of this room?  This was the kind of room for Charlie Brown Christmas trees. It had clearly been  neglected! Kristy thought she may choke on the dust.

There was only one table in the room, and upon it were  two buckets and two sponges.

Desiree’s heart sank, would they have to clean this room? It would take them the rest of the day! But wait, why was a golden key on the table?

Questions filled their eyes as they turned their attention to the butler.

“Two choices lay before you. Both of you  can fill the buckets with soapy water and clean this room, making the floors sparkle! Or you both  can grab the golden key and leave. It’s totally your choice.  But you both have to do the same thing? Which will you choose?

Desiree’s eyes told Kristy exactly what she wanted to do, but Kristy felt led to stay. She was curious.

“Cleaning this room won’t take too long.”

Desiree looked at Kristy as if she was crazy! But she agreed.

When they finally scrubbed the last inch of the floor and the walls, they cheered. Standing back to admire their hard work, they were pleased. Miss Crump should be pleased too.

“What do we do now? Go look for the butler and Miss Cump?” Desiree asked. The butler had taken the golden key, so they still couldn’t leave.

While they were deciding, the butler walked back into the room holding the golden key in his hand.

He looked around the room, not changing his expression much, and said, “Good job.”

“Good job? That’s all you are going to say? My hands and knees are sore and…” He raised his eyebrows at Desiree, and she pinched her lips with a disgruntled sigh.

“You have another choice to make. Would you like the key or another job?”

“When do we meet Miss Crump? We would like to talk to her? Is this all a game to her. We clean every room of her house and then leave without getting paid? Will she hire us?”

“It is the way she conducts her interviews.” The butler replied.

“Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock … Tick Tock goes the clock, what will you decide?”  Miss Crumps voice resonated from the speakers in the ceiling.

This was so bizarre! Desiree leaned over, whispering in Kristy’s ear. ‘This lady is a loony bird!”

“What is the next job?”Desiree asked.

“You must agree to do it before deciding.”

Kristy shook her head, “This is crazy! You were right, Desiree. we should have left earlier. Let’s go.”


Kristy’s mouth opened in disbelief.  “You want to stay?”

“I am up for it if you are. How bad can the next job be?”

Kristy smiled, “You never fail to surprise me, girl!”

“Okay, James, take us to the next job.”

“My name is Walter.” He said, with a stern look. When he turned back around to lead them back down the stairs, their eyes danced with amusement. But the amusement faded quickly when they found themselves in the cellar.

If they thought the upstairs  room was bad, this was 10x worse. Damp, and musty and ooh, they better only be cobwebs in the corner. If Kristy saw spiders, she would be back up the stairs in a second.

‘Is this the final chore? Is our interview over after this?”

“I can’t say, no one has ever made it this far before.” Walter replied. He told them they were in charge of cleaning the many shelves. They saw the buckets and sponges. Seeing the grime on the shelves made them wish for gloves, but they didn’t see any.

“Happy cleaning!” Walter said and then walked out of the cellar. The closing of the door echoing behind him.

“I saw a smirk on bis face. I know I did!”

The girls sighed, looking at the shelves. “After this we are finished! I am going to tell Miss Crump exactly what I think of her and this interview process. ”

Kristy had no doubt that Desiree would do exactly that!

They made it. Had scrubbed the last shelf, and thankfully, no spiders were in sight! They didn’t wait for Walter they left the cellar as soon as they were finished and waited for him outside the door.  All they wanted was to go home and take  a hot shower!

To their surprise, Miss Crump came around the corner with a big smile on her face.

“Hello ladies! I will be right back up.”

She went down into the cellar and quickly returned. 

“Wonderful job! I am impressed. I know you probably think this was a most strange type of interview. But I like to see what someone is made of, and you two passed the test. The job is yours.”

Desiree thought of all the things she had wanted to say earlier, but once again, Miss Crump reminded her of her sweet grandmother, with her plump, rosy cheeks and warm smile.

Kristy started to speak up, and then Miss Crump interjected with, handing them cash.

“I hope that is enough for your hard work?”

They were speechless!

“Absolutely! Thank you.” They said in unison. 

“Great! I look forward to seeing you next Saturday and here is a small gift from me for both of you. She handed Desiree a small gift wrapped package. Enjoy your adventure. Too-da-loo girls!”

They looked at each other in wonder as they watched Miss Crump walk away. “Enjoy our adventure?”

“As I said, I think she may be a few fries short of a happy meal,  but hey, with this kind of money, I can put up with craziness.”

Kristy agreed!

Desiree unwrapped the gift while walking to Kristy’s car. She grabbed Kristy’s hand,”Why would she give us a silver cowbell??’

“That is one strange gift.” Kristy replied.

They both shook their heads, and Desiree shoved it into the pocket of her jacket as they got into Kristy’s car and drove away. Perhaps they would ask Miss Crump about the cowbell next Saturday. 

The Fun House!

The darkness felt suffocating. I reached out to grab Kristy’s hand.

“Don’t let go of my hand. We need to stick together.”

“Where are you, Desiree?” Kristy’s panicked voice sent an involuntary shudder through my body.

“Desiree! Grab my hand, where are you?”

I shrieked as I let go of the hand that I had grabbed. Kristy had been right beside me. Where was she now and whose hand bad I been holding??

An owl’s screech filled the air. “Whoo-Whoo-Whoo-!”

Even the owl wanted to know whose hand I had been holding moments ago. My heart was racing.


“I don’t know, you crazy owl!’

We had only been in the pitch dark for a short time, and I was already losing my mind. I was yelling at an owl that wasn’t even real. We were inside a mansion, not a forest. There were no animals….Whush! Whush!

I felt the air blow over my head at the flapping of wings. What had flown by me? I cringed as she thought of the possibility of bats flying around. I ducked and shivered.

All had been going so well. We had come for a job interview and were served a scrumptious dinner.

Kristy and I had wanted to start a house cleaning business together. When we saw the ad wanting housekeepers for a mansion, we jumped at the opportunity.

“Desiree! Where are you?”

“Over here! I am over here,”

I felt myself grabbed from behind and heard Kristy’s voice. “I found you! They clung to each other with relief.

“If only we had never come.” Kristy said. But they had come, and now they were stuck with no way out!

At least, that is what they had been told when they were plunged into total darkness. They thought it had only been a power outage until their host spoke,

“Welcome to my fun house! Let the fun begin. Can you find the way out? The doors and windows are locked, but there is a secret exit if you are brave enough to find it. The lights will come back on in a little bit, and then your fun can begin.” They heard their hostess laughing as she walked away.

This was crazy. They never should have handed their phones over before the meal. The little old lady appeared to be so sweet. Reminded them of their dear grandmother.

With a smile, she had asked them for their phones. Telling them in a kind voice how she didn’t want them to be distracted by their phones while she was talking.

What had they done?

*to be continued..”

Hendrick’s Prediction!

Painting by Cleto Luzzi

Crash! His cup shattered on the floor, splattering its contents all over Catherine’s new gown.

She gasped in dismay. “Oh no! This is the first time I wore this gown and now it is stained.”

Hendrick held his hands up. “I do apologize, my dear.”

His face was contrite. Catherine sighed. She knew it wasn’t his fault. He had been losing some of his mobility with his hands lately and was so embarrassed by it.

She patted him on the shoulder after recovering from her shock. “It’s OK, Hendrick. It was an accident.” Marilla, can work wonders with clothes. Perhaps she can get the stain out.”

Handrick relaxed , his breathing returned to normal, though he was still embarrassed. Excusing himself from the table, he gave his lovely, understanding wife a kiss. Then he walked to his study, closed the door, and enjoyed the solitude.

Tonight, he would attend the opera. How he was looking forward to it. Leaning his head back on his chair, he closed his eyes, imagined the music, and dozed. Mid-morning naps were becoming a routine for him lately.

Catherine was excited. Where was Hendrick? She wanted to tell him the good news. Oh, that was right. He was with his friend Thomas.

He had taken a nap earlier in his study. Catherine knew that he didn’t have work to do when he would go to bis study in the morning. The only “work” he did at that time, behind those closed doors, was working on his Zzzz”s.

It was a fine day to be outside. The fog had lifted behind the green hills, and Hendrick was enjoying a leisurely ride on his favorite horse.

He often visited the stables of his friend Thomas. Thomas would make sure to give Hendrick his slowest and calmest horse. All Hendrick had to do was hang on.

When they returned to the stables, Hendrick was wiping the sweat off his face with a handkerchief. “Ahh! That was a fine work out, fine work out indeed.” Hendrick said to Thomas.

Thomas smiled, knowing that it was Hendrick’s horse that had the work out, not Hendrick. In their younger years, Hendrick and Thomas had enjoyed friendly races, but they both enjoyed a more relaxing pace now.

“Would you like to challenge me to some backgammon or chess?” Thomas asked.

They may be slowing down physically, but their minds were still quite good, and they enjoyed competing against each other with the occasional small bet.

Hendrick was happy to oblige, hoping to win back some of his money from the last game they played.

When he arrived back home to get ready for the opera, he was feeling quite happy, as he patted his wallet. It was now a little thicker.

Catherine looked elegant as she came down the stairs to greet him. “How do you like my new gown?”

“I do believe you will be the most beautiful one at the opera tonight.”

She blushed slightly, waving her fan in front of her face. “Thank you, now quick, go get ready, we don’t want to be late.”

Hendrick made his way up the stairs. He may have to try to win more money next week to make up for the cost of Catherine’s new gown.

When they got to the opera house. Catherine excused herself to go greet a friend. She had to show off her new, dazzling peach gown. Hendrick decided to make his way down the stairs awhile. He was almost down the steps when some woman yelled. “Help, thief!”

The thief was trying to run down the steps and pushed up against Hendrick, making him lose his balance. They both tumbled down the last few steps, with Hendrick landing on top of the thief at the bottom.

The man was caught, and the woman was so grateful to Hendrick for saving her day and returning her purse.

“Are you sure you are okay, my dear?”

Catherine and her friend had come to see what all the excitement was about. She had been really worried at first seeing her husband on the floor. But she was relieved to know that it was the poor thief underneath Hendrick who hadn’t made out too well.

After the thief was taken away, and Catherine fussed over her hero husband a little more, they took their seats as the opera began. The famous Caterina Gabelli was singing tonight, a piece written by Mozart.

Hendrick leaned over to his wife and said, “Mark my words, I do believe that Mozart guy is going to be famous some day.” Then settled back with a smile on his face, holding his wife’s hand.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

I read something yesterday that may have made me “smack my head..”, which may happen alot. We have heard a lot about books being banned over the years, and I think its crazy and sad. Somehow I missed reading how many years ago this one particular book was banned from some schools due to parents being upset. Any guesses at what it may be? Charlotte’s Web!! A beautiful story of friendship! Why was it banned? It was banned due to talking animals, being unrealistic. I don’t think they understand what Fiction means. I had quite the time of having to calm down my animal friends, Betsy, Henrietta, Odessa, Dewey, and Jaxon, to name a few. But they know humans are crazy, so all is well now. I hope the following quotes make you smile and laugh, in spite of the craziness in the world.











Don’t Touch the Water!

Pinterest image by Marie Hohnock

Once upon a time in the small village of Curiousity Cove, there lived a woman named Clarice.

Being naturally curious, she thought Curiosity Cove was the perfect place for her. It turned out she was right. Clarice was intrigued with the village. Everyone she met was friendly and welcomed her. They were all proud of Curiousity Cove’s beautiful gardens, their curious houses, and more.

They were many secret places in the garden that veered off the path. Clarice had fun checking all the places out.

The houses that lined the cobblestone roads were quite eye-catching. They were all painted like a rainbow.

While each house was painted the same in the Cove, each house had one curious thing about it that no other house had.

Old man Harley had a motorcycle that he kept up on the roof. Tourists were always stopping and taking photos of it. In the wintertime, he would put a large Santa on the motorcycle.

Then there was sweet Miss Tiffany, whose house was filled with Tiffany lamps. Her house was on Rainbow Road, Number 6, and she always left the lights on for you.

If you have always been curious about how many pecks of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked, be curious no longer. You could visit his house and count them all yourself.

Clarice adored Wally the Woodchuck, Larry’s pet. One could finally have their curiosity solved by visiting Larry and finding out how much wood Wally the Woodchuck could chuck.

Those were only a few of the curious houses in Curiosity Cove. It really was the perfect place for curious people to live.

There were many curious things to be found in this odd village. The bicycle tree was a popular attraction. There were three bicycles in the strong oak tree. How they got there, no one knew. But the birds enjoyed making nests in the baskets that were on the handlebars.

The one thing that had Clarice the most curious was the small pond in the center of the village. Unlike the houses and other popular attractions in Curiosity Cove, no one was allowed to touch the water in the forbidden pond. There was a big sign posted in front of it, warning everyone.

Long ago, one of the elders of Curiousity Cove had warned everyone to stay away from the Forbidden Pond. He said something terrible would happen if the water in the Forbidden Pond was touched.

When he died, he took the Forbidden Pond’s secret to his grave.

Clarice was warned to stay away from it, and she listened in the beginning. There were many other curious things to check out. But then her curiosity got the best of her, and one day, she found herself at the Forbidden Pond.

A cute little frog watched her as she sat down by the pond and studied the water. It didn’t look harmful to her. Surely touching it a little bit wasn’t going to hurt anything. It was only water! She wasn’t going to drink it. All she wanted to do was touch it.

Her hands shook a little as she kept telling herself that there was nothing to be afraid of. She blocked out the voice in her head, telling her to walk away. Warning her not to touch it.

In slow motion, she moved her hand closer to the water. Squeezing her eyes shut, she touched it! She waited with bated breath. Nothing happened!

Her tense muscles relaxed, and she touched it again. Oh, she had to tell her friends about this. She had proven that one could touch the water and be OK. Uh oh, was that a pain in her chest?

Relax Clarice, she told herself. Nothing would happen. Her mind was playing tricks on her. All she had done was touch the water. How could that be so bad?

After sitting by the pond for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet of the afternoon, she decided to take a walk. For the peaceful feeling she had earlier was being drowned out by a strong sense of foreboding.

Oh, no! Not another one. Clarice stepped back. Her face was a mass of confusion and sadness. Why did she keep coming up upon so many dead cats lying on the sidewalks?

Curiosity Cove was not only known for its gardens and strange houses, but it had a lot of cats as well. They roamed freely and were friendly. They didn’t harm any of the other wildlife. Everyone in the village took turns feeding them. The curious cats of Curiousity Cove had been in the village from the beginning.

Clarice had often sat in the park watching them play, but now they were lifeless as she choked back sobs.

Why had they died ? It made no … sense! Oh no!! A horrible thought struck Clarice. She froze in horror. Could it be? Had her curiosity about the pond caused all this? Was she responsible? Everyone knew of the well-known saying. “Curiosity killed the cat.”

Her parents had often repeated the quote to her when she was a child and getting into trouble with her curiosity.

Now she had really done it. Her curiosity had killed the cats.

*My apologies to all cat lovers, I was only quoting a popular quote. I can assure you that no harm came to any cats in the writing of this story. 😉*