Stolen Treasure?

Opening her eyes, she looked around the room. She was momentarily confused about where she was. The dream had felt so real.

Brrr….it was cold. Her hands felt like ice. The heat wasn’t working again! No wonder she was dreaming about being in an igloo in Alaska.

Once again, she was regretting buying the old farmhouse. It needed so much work done. As a teen, she had a romanticized idea of living in an old farmhouse and making it beautiful. Chelsea had held onto that dream through her twenties.  Now at 30, she finally had her dream come true, but was she up to all the work this place needed?

Stepping onto the cold floor made her shiver. She quickly found her burgundy fuzzy slippers and put them on. Grabbed her matching robe and walked downstairs. First on the agenda was getting the heat fixed. She had the name of someone who her co-worker knew. She said he had reasonable rates. At this point, Chelsea was ready to pay anything. She needed heat!

When she walked by the large bay window in the living room, she gasped in awe. This was why she had bought this farmhouse. For the view. The sunrise over the pasture was stunning.

Chelsea made some hot raspberry cocoa. She  took a moment to enjoy the sunrise while wrapping her cold hands around her hot cup.

Yes, she was nervous, thinking about all that needed done, but it would happen. She was determined. Later that morning she dialed the number her friend had given her.

That was easy. Mr Deckle was real friendly on the phone and said he would come over in the early afternoon.  His voice reminded Chelsea of her dear grandpa. Mr Deckle was semi retired. He wasn’t ready to hang up his toolbelt yet.

Knowing he was coming over gave Chelsea motivation to clean. She cleaned downstairs and then started cleaning her room. Looking at the antique dresser that had been left there, she debated again about keeping it. It was in good shape. The middle drawer was ajar, and she tried to push it shut, but something was keeping it from closing.

Stretching her hand to feel behind the drawer, she grabbed onto the object that was jamming the drawer. Pulling out a well-worn leather wallet, she looked inside and was shocked by the thick wad of cash inside! It added up to several thousand dollars! Who carried that much money around?

As far as Chelsea knew, this farmhouse had been abandoned for a few years. She wouldn’t have any idea of how to contact the previous owners. There was no ID inside the wallet. Taking the wallet, she put it in the nightstand by her bed for now and went back to cleaning. What if there was more money in the house to be found?

Two hours later, her mind was still whirling when the doorbell rang. Mr Deckle was here.

“Hi Miss, Mr Deckle, at your service.” He put out his hand, and Chelsea shook it as she smiled. His cheeks were rosy, and he was bald with some tufts of hair behind his ears.

An hour later, Chelsea felt heat, and she did a little dance of joy. “You are wonderful!” She said to Mr Deckle, his eyes twinkled at her compliment.

“It’s my pleasure. Feel free to call me with any more issues you may have. This farmhouse was a beauty in her day. All it needs is someone to give it some TLC. He smiled at Chelsea.

“I am going to try my best. Did you know the people who lived here before?”

“Yes, a family of six, they were a fun family to know. Lived here until their children grew up.

Chelsea quietly wondered if the wallet had belonged to any of them, as she followed Mr Deckle to the door.

“After they left, there were some rumors floating around that some bank robbers had used it as a hideout. But you know how rumors are. ” He gave her a wink and bid her goodbye.

Chelsea closed the door and her belly flopped. Bank robbers! Were they still around and would they come back for their money?

*to be continued *


The Bingo Prize

Pinterest image

The last thing Clarence wanted to do was get dressed up to go play Bingo, but his daughter insisted.

“You need to get out of the house, dad. All you do is sit in your Lazy-boy, watching re-runs of old westerns that you have seen hundreds of times.

“And what is wrong with that? Westerns are better than all the smut they have on tv now.”

Sheila rolled her eyes. “You may surprise yourself and actually enjoy tonight.”

Grumbling, Clarence followed his daughter out of his house and to the car. I will like it about as much as I like going to the dentist, he thought to himself.

“The cookies are bland, and the hot chocolate isn’t strong enough.”

“Really, dad, are there more complaints you want to make?” Sheila sighed.

“Can’t think of any other ones at the moment, but that will probably soon change.”

When Bingo ended, Sheila was more than happy to take her dad home. Scratch Bingo off of her list as an idea for her dad. He barely paid any attention to his Bingo cards. He kept looking across the room.

“Can we stop for ice cream?” Clarence asked, on the way home. “I need something to make up for the bland cookies.”

“If they were so bad, why did you keep going across the room to get more??”

Her dad didn’t comment.

Sheila stopped at the Dairy Queen and got him his favorite, a Buster bar. She got herself one, too. Going to Dairy Queen with her dad was a fond  memory of her childhood. Her dad would never stop loving his ice cream.

When she said goodbye back at his house, she gsve him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Love you, dad, sorry you didn’t enjoy yourself tonight.”

Clarence scowled, “Who said that I didn’t enjoy myself. I was with my favorite daughter.”

“Oh, you can be sweet, dad, but you didn’t even pay attention to your Bingo cards. I had to mark them for you. You were just staring across the room and kept leaving to get cookies!

Clarence didn’t say anything. He only smiled, as he said goodbye.

The following week, Sheila pulled into her dad’s driveway. She thought she would surprise him with pizza, but she wondered whose car was in his driveway.  Apparently, he had company.

She knocked on the door and waited.

Her dad opened the door, surprise showing on his face. “Sheila! Hi, I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I figured I would stop by and….

She stopped in mid-sentence

Was her dad watching “The Bachelor!?” And who….

Her dad’s grin was a mile long. “Let me introduce you to Beatrice.  I met her at Bingo, saw her from across the room.”

Lemonade Fruit … Milk to the Rescue … The Special Badger ….


Never saw the movie but confident that I wouldn’t have wanted to be a crew or cast member! Snakes and spiders….!!


I would like to try that fruit.




Be careful what you say. Yes, too. 🙂


That would be a unique dining experience.


Quick thinking, and it’s good he was at the right place at the right time!

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Black Friday deals or no deal? I ventured out, but not at some crazy early hour in the morning…. One store and had a headache by the time I left due to so many people being there. BUT I did get some great deals on Christmas gifts to scratch off my list …. so I was happy!

Finally replaced my Kindle, which I haven’t had since April …. Am loving being able to download books again. and always having a book at my fingertips. Happy, Happy, Happy…!

When your 3 year old great niece scolds the chipmunks for getting into Mommy’s garden, by calling them “Naughty, Naughty, Naughty!”

The Forest Feast

Mrs Cranberry had been stirring all night, and now she and Mr Cranberry were ready to partake in a Thanksgiving feast. The food had been set out with care. Where was everyone!

Mincemeat, the mouse, was counting all the pumpkins that she had gathered, hoping she had enough for all the pumpkin pies she had to make.

Sugar the Squirrel was as happy as he could be with his caramal apple latte to start the day. Now, all he needed was his mama’s sweet apple pie to go with it.

“We did it! We got away from the farmer and his wife! We will finally be able to take part in a Thanksgiving feast without being the ones on a platter. It was so kind of the forest animals to invite us. I hope they like the stuffing I brought.” Trudy, the turkey, said to her husband, Tom.

Mr and Mrs Rutabaga hoped that the feast would begin soon. They were getting hungry. Grandpa had already gotten into the raisin pie. Now, his eyes were on the sweet potato pudding.

Finally, everyone was gathered, well, except for Billy, the bear who was still sleeping, but no one dared to wake him up.

“Wait!” Someone yelled, “We are missing the green bean casserole?”

They all heard a commotion, and Tom, the turkey was delighted to see that his friend had escaped from the farmer too. Their little friend Susie, who loved all animals, was riding as fast as she could.

“Don’t start without me!” She yelled. All were glad to see that she had the green bean casserole.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy and be thankful for all of your blessings, not only for today but all year long.

*all images from Pinterest*

The Lesson of the Three Birds

Pinterest image

Her name was Vanessa, and she sang like a bird. They called her “The Amazing Songbird.”

She was no stranger to fame, and when Vanessa woke up on the morning of April 20th, she expected to have a normal day. Little did she know what the day would bring.

Taking off her sleep mask, Vanessa rang her bell for her coffee to be brought to her.

“Here you go, Miss.” The petite brown eyed servant girl handed it to her. Vanessa took a sip and promptly spit it out, spraying the poor girl.

“What are you trying to do to me? Burn my mouth!” Vanessa shouted.

The servant girl bowed her head. “I am sorry, Miss, I will go make you another cup right away..”

“Hurry, time is a wasting! Please open the windows in my room before you leave.”

After she opened the windows, the servant girl hurried downstairs to the kitchen.

Vanessa tried going through her voice exercises, but UGH! Who had invited the birds to sing along?

She walked over to a window where a bird was puffed up and happily singing, looking straight at her.

“Shoo! Fly away!” Vanessa waved her hand and shut the window

A few moments later, the servant girl brought a new cup of coffee to her mistress.

“Finally, you got it right. Last night, it was too cold this morning, too hot, but now, it’s just right. Thank you.”

Vanessa sat, sipping her coffee. Then she walked out onto her third story deck. Oh, that was a mistake. She couldn’t hear herself sing over those blasted birds!

Later that morning, she left her house to go to her voice class. Had to keep her voice in tip-top shape so that she could keep getting the lead roles in the musicals.

“Good morning, Vanessa. I have a question for you, before we start your lesson. The children from the inner city would so enjoy hearing you sing. Do you think you could spare some time to go to the community rec center and sing for them?

“Me? The star of the theater, go sing for some snotty nosed kids? No.”

Miss Allen, her teacher, frowned. “Vanessa, you have the voice of an angel, but one day, you may find yourself regretting how you took it for granted. You have been blessed. Why not share your blessing with others? Not only big audiences that pay to hear you.”

“If they want to hear me sing, they can come to the theater and hear me there. Now, let’s get on with my lesson. I have a spa appointment in two hours.”

Shaking her head, Miss Allen sighed, she secretly feared that Vanessa was speeding down down a dark road, with her headlights off. Her haughtiness would be her ruin some day.

After the lesson ended and right before she walked out the door, Miss Allen spoke.

“Be careful. You are flying free now, my songbird. with your beautiful voice being heard by many. But what happens if one day your voice flies away?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” She made a face and walked out the door, as Miss Allen’s grandfather clock chimed. It was 2:00pm.

There was a bird that flew beside her as she walked to her car. It looked identical to the bird she had seen earlier at her window. It started singing, and Vanessa rolled her eyes. She couldn’t hear herself think. “Scram!” She said to the bird, and it flew away.

After her spa appointment, Vanessa exited the building when a woman stopped her.

“Oh, what an honor to meet you! I can’t believe its you!”

The woman was jubilant and nervous. “You are one of my husband’s favorite singers. He has seen every performance you have been in. He is in the hospital now, and, Oh, I know you are probably busy. I hope you don’t think me too bold, but it would mean the world to him if you could stop in and surprise him!”

Vanessa lowered her sunglasses to look at this crazy lady. “Ma’am, I am a busy woman and can’t go running off to hospitals. Especially with evening coming. The night air is not good for my voice, I must get home. Goodbye.”

Vanessa briskly walked away, not noticing the hurt in the woman’s eyes.

Once again, a bird showed up beside her, but this time, it didn’t sing. It landed on a bush beside her and stared. Vanessa didn’t pay it any mind and headed home.

Later that night, after her bubble bath and wine, she prepared for bed.

As she fell asleep, the image of the bird that didn’t sing flashed in her mind. There was something about it that unnerved her, but what was it?

Well, sleep was vital for her voice, so she didn’t worry about it and fell asleep.

It was the talk of the city. Headlines in the papers. Miss Vanessa, the “Amazing Songbird” could no longer sing. When she tried, the worst screeching that you ever heard came out of her mouth.

Doctors were perplexed, and no one had an answer.

It was said that she took to staying inside and becoming a recluse. There were days she longed to hear a bird sing, for now things were so quiet. But no birds sang outside her window. Whenever Vanessa caught a glimpse of a bird, it was always flying away. The birds reminded of Miss Allen’s fateful words to her, “What if one day your voice flies away?”

Vanessa hung her head and cried.

A House Over the Sea … A Thief’s Surprise … Snickers, the Horse … And other Facts!


NOOO! That would not be a house for me!


If I had some of this now it would make me happy.


An unpleasant, but well deserved surprise for the thief.




This may have made me laugh out loud. I had to see if it was real and it is.,a%20professionally%2Dfired%20tribute%20display.


Inspiration can hit at the oddest times, and I do love this song.

The Three Little Bunnies

Once upon a time, there were three little bunnies who lived in the forest. They were tired of living in a burrow. They wanted to live above ground for a while.

The little bunnies didn’t know how to build houses like the pig brothers did. Neither could they afford having the three pigs build a house for them. The bunnies had offered heads of lettuce as payment, but the pigs had refused, turning up their noses at the lettuce.

It looked like the bunnies would have to go back to burrowing underground, but one day, Toffee had exciting news.

“Guess what! I found us a house that we all can live in.”

Amber and Tanner, the twins, were excited to hear Toffee’s news and followed her through the forest to their new home.

When they opened the door, they were amazed.  The house was fully furnished. It was big furniture for little bunnies, but that was okay. There also was one broken bed and one broken chair. Toffee and Amber each took a bed as their own, and Tanner claimed the big couch as his bed.

All was wonderful for the first three weeks. The little bunnies were ecstatic with their new house.

One day, Amber was chattng with Mrs Bluebird when she screamed. Mrs Bluebird flew away and Toffee and Tanner came running to see what was the matter.

All three bunnies looked out the window, yelping with fear! When to their eyes what should appear?

But a scary looking fox hovering near.

They froze with fear staring into his glowering eye.

When they tried to close the window it wouldn’t budge.

“Tanner! Didn’t you fix the window yesterday?”

Tanner dropped his head. “I may have forgotten.”

They all tried again, pulling down on the window as hard as they could, but it was no good. It was stuck!

The fox grew closer, taking his time. His empty belly shaking with laughter. Imagining how he would savor the wonderful flavor of bunnies.

Suzie, the snail was passing by and took in the scene, feeling awful for the poor bunnies, but there was nothing she could do.

Having given up on the window, the three bunnies fled to Toffee’s room to help prolong their fate at least a little longer. They huddled together in the corner of the room, trembling with fear.

The fox reached the open window and started to climb in when he yelped in pain. Polly, the porcupine, had shot his tail full of quills.

“Take that, you mean fox!” Polly was feeling rather proud of herself until the fox turned around, baring his sharp teeth at her. She skidaddled away as fast as she could.

The fox turned back around, flushed with anger. He was ready for some tasty bunny snacks. He started to climb in once again when THUNK!! The fox let out a blood curdling scream as the window slammed down on his neck.

The three little bunnies didn’t know what to think about the awful sound they had heard. They waited, but all was silent. Had the fox gone away?

With their hearts still beating fast and their whiskers shaking, they slowly walked out of the bedroom.

They weren’t prepared for the sight that met their eyes! The fox was dead! The window had broken his neck. His mouth was open, but their was no breath coming out.

After recovering from the shock, the bunnies collapsed with relief and laughed, and laughed about the fox and how he had met his fate.

They called their friends to come see and celebrate with them. Everyone brought food to share, and Daniel, the deer, was more than happy to mount the fox’s head on the wall. It was a truly enjoyable Thanksgiving feast, had by all.

* All images were from Pinterest*