Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When my sister gives me a book, “The Bride Collector”, and tells me NOT to read it at night, if I want to sleep! But now my curious mind wants to read it.

When you are given a lot of blackberries … Time to make sweet, blackberry cobbler.

When you fall in love at first sight … Held my great-niece today….Welcome to the world Aurora Paige!

The Adventure begins!

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The “Many Paws” Animal Shelter was scheduled to open in a week, and there were still things that needed to be done. Amelia was trying not to panic. She kept telling herself that everything would come together.

Taking another bite of peach pie, she told herself it all better come together soon. Her nerves were frayed, and if she kept eating peach pie to calm down, she may soon have another problem!

When she walked in this morning to finding a leaky pipe and the one room flooded, she had almost lost it.

“Hi Amelia!” Trent walked in the door. “So where is the troublesome pipe that you want me to fix?”

“Keep walking, and you will…”

“Found it!” Trent replied as his feet stepped into water.

Trent was a good friend from high school, and she was so thankful that he was a plumber. He had been a big help with the shelter.

A lot of her friends had left the small town of Derby as soon as they graduated, but Amelia never had the desire to leave. Now, 20 years later, she had a feeling that Derby would be her home until she died. She would be forever known as the crazy dog lady.

One had to be crazy to think of starting up an animal shelter at her age. She wasn’t far away from the age of hot flashes, mood swings, and all the other wonderful things about menopause. But with her compassionate heart, she knew she had to do something for the stray dogs and cats who needed forever homes.

“Thank you so much for coming right away!” She told Trent. “You are a life saver. The inspector is coming in two days. “

Worry was written all across her face.

The sound of barking filled the room and was getting louder.

“Oh, they are ready for breakfast. I need to go, do you need anything?”

“No, I will get to work and you go and make some dogs happy. But don’t try feeding them any of your brownies!”

With a roll of her eyes and slight blush to her cheeks Amelia groaned. “Dogs can’t have chocolate and I make good brownies now.”

“Oh, do they actually come out of the pan now?”

Amelia smacked his arm and heard him laughing as she walked out of the room. He wouldn’t let her forget when she baked brownies in high school, and they were as hard as concrete. She was able to turn the pan upside down without them coming out.

“Hey guys, here you go.” She poured food into all the bowls and smiled. Dogs of all shapes and sizes, and each one was special to her.

Max had a droopy ear, but his other ear was always up straight and erect. His hearing was sharp. Usually , he was the first one to jump out of his bed when Amelia came down the hall.

Mischief earned her name honestly. She tried to stir up trouble with the other dogs when they were in the yard together. Amelia was trying to work with her on getting along with other dogs, but it wasn’t going well. With people, though, she was fine. A real sweetheart.

The cats grabbed her heart as well. Missy had given birth to seven kittens last week. The tiny fluff balls were adorable, and she was headed to see them as soon as all the dogs were fed. She was glad that Shannon would be here soon to help out. Her shift started at 9 am.

Three hours later, Trent was finished, and everything looked great.

“Thanks again, Trent.”

“You may not be so thankful when you see my bill,” he joked.

“Maybe I will pay you with a pan full of my specialty brownies. “

“I will warn my stomach.” He smiled. “But, seriously, I am glad I could help you out. I think this shelter looks perfect and will pass with flying colors when the inspector comes.”

Amelia’s heart warmed at his words. “Thanks, I appreciate it!”

Just then, a black labrador almost knocked Trent off of his feet as it barreled into him.

Shannon was running behind him, yelling, “Stop, Houdini!”

Amelia caught him. “What are we going to do with you? She rubbed his head as he licked her. He made it hard to be mad at him, but he sure kept them on their toes. Running was his favorite thing to do.

Running this animal shelter would be an adventure for sure, but she was ready to begin!

“I will see you on Friday at 7 pm for dinner.” Trent said as he headed for the door.

“Wh-what?” Amelia was trying to hang onto Houdini as she looked back at Trent.

“Friday, at 7, I will be in my royal carriage before the spell breaks at midnight.” And with a wink, he walked out the door.

What happened? They had gone out to eat before as friends, plenty of times. But this seemed different. There was something about the look in his eyes. Was it only her imagination, or was life about to throw another adventure her way?

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! Today I bring you some hallmark moments. The wedding we attended on Saturday was beautiful. There was smiles as the bride’s adorable nephew was not really sure about being a ring bearer. You gotta love little kids and the expressions they make. When the bride and groom walked back down the aisle he stopped in the middle of the aisle and dipped her, giving her a kiss. Like a scene from a Hallmark movie, as all the women went “Awww…” The reception was filled with sentimental moments, the biggest being when the bride surprised her mom. For a little background the father of the bride sadly died eight years ago. Some of you may remember the poem I shared on here, that I had written for my close friend over that time. Well here the daughter picked out such a moving song as she called her mom to the dance floor for a mother/daughter dance, in place of the father/daughter dance that is usually done at weddings. Yes, I was far from the only one with tears in my eyes. Now dry your tears, enjoy the following quotes, and hug the ones you love today.











White Velvet’s Wish

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Today was the day. This was going to start the ball rolling for the bestest day of the year! White Velvet felt it in her heart. This was her year. The year she would be Santa’s Christmas Horse.

The other horses laughed at her. “Who ever heard of Santa having a horse, he owns reindeer, silly? Have you never heard of Rudolph?” Cinnamon asked. Cinnamon was a tan horse and one of the most outspoken,mean ones on the farm.

White Velvet rolled her eyes. “Of course I heard of Rudolph, he is the most famous reindeer and I will be the most famous horse.”

“Hey everyone, White Velvet here thinks she will go down in history, like Rudolph.”

There were snickers and guffaws of laughter. Others started making snide comments, but White Velvet didn’t let it bother her. Let them call her names and play their games. She would show them.

Later that night, by the light of the moon, White Velvet made her way out of the barnyard.

She had hopped the fence easily enough and made it to the creek to drink some water. After drinking her fill, she looked around. Where was she? She had said to meet her here.

Within a few minutes, White Velvet heard the tinkling of a bell, and then Betsy, the wonder cow, appeared in front of her.

“Hi! Are you ready for your trip?’ Betsy asked, with kind eyes.

“Yes, oh yes!”

“Okay, I will put my special bell around your neck. Remember I can get you to the North Pole, but I can’t make Santa choose you. That you will have to do yourself.”

White Velvet shook her head. She was a little nervous, but how could Santa not choose her. He had, too!

“Shake your head three times and away you will go. Good luck, White Velvet. Tell Santa that Betsy sent you. Santa and I are really close.” Betsy gave a wink.

Taking a deep breath, White Velvet shook her head, and the pink and purple smoke circled around her.

It was morning when White Velvet landed at the North Pole. BRRR! It was a tad chilly, but she didn’t mind. She was going to find Santa Claus

Candy Cane, one of Santa’s elves, was heading to Santa’s workshop. The busy time of year was starting.

“Hey, Candy Cane, have you seen Snowball?” Alabaster called out to you.

With a sly twinkle in her eye, she rolled a snowball and threw it at Alabaster. Hitting him in the leg. “Did you see that snowball?”she called back to him.

“Haha!” Alabaster made a face at her.

Candy Cane was laughing as she walked up to him. “When that brilliant idea hit me, I had to do it.”

Alabaster would have made a snowball to throw back, but his arms were full of toys for the workshop.

“But to answer your question, I haven’t seen Snowball. You know how he is. There isn’t a clear pattern to his days yet. He’s having to get adjusted to the work schedule once again and giving up his naps. Giving up his naps is making it harder for him to be coherent, poor guy. He fell asleep, working on that toy train the other day. Gave the train square wheels! Have you ever seen square wheels?”

They laughed as they walked the rest of the way to Santa’s workshop together.

White Velvet watched the two elves from afar. Would they lead her to Santa?

“Heyyy! Where did you come from?” A sleepy elf came up beside White Velvet. “I recognize your shiny bell. Are you a friend of Betsy’s?”

“Yes, I am White Velvet, Betsy sent me here so that I could be Santa’s Christmas horse.”

Snowball looked a little confused. “Santa’s horse? He has reindeer.”

“That’s what everyone keeps telling me, but he must need a horse! Everyone loves horses!”

Snowball thought some. She did have a point.

“Well, hey, you can come with me. I will take you to him. He is at the workshop. I am late, but Santa is a jolly boss, so it’s fine. Come, follow me. Everyone will be so surprised to see you.”

White Velvet followed Snowball to Santa’s workshop. At the door, she waited while Snowball went inside to get Santa.

White Velvet waited nervously. It wasn’t long until the door opened and out came Santa. “Ho!Ho!Ho! Who do we have here?”

White Velvet couldn’t believe it, it was really Santa! She couldn’t find her tongue at first but it didn’t take long. “Please Santa, let me be your Christmas horse! I had to get away from the farm I was at. The other horses were mean, called me names and wouldn’t let me join them in their horsey games.”

Santa Claus patted White Velvet on the head and rubbed his hand down her mane. “I am so sorry.” He was silent for a little. Snowball wanted to tell Santa that he had to keep White Velvet, but Snowball was smart enough to know that you didn’t tell Santa what to do.

Santa didn’t say anything and walked back inside. The door closed, and White Velvet was in shock. That was it. He wasn’t going to say anything! Couldn’t he at least have given her a polite no?

Snowball was shocked, too. Santa was not a rude guy. Before White Velvet gave up all hope, the door opened and all the elves came out ooohing and ahhing over White Velvet.

Santa walked up to White Velvet with red and gold ribbon to put around her neck, along with flowers. It was beautiful, and then what happened next was music to White Velvet’s ears.

“Today I would like to introduce White Velvet, the Christmas horse. She will be living here now, so lets all make her feel welcome. Cheers erupted from all the elves and White Velvet’s heart was flooded with joy.

Santa gave her a friendly wink and said, “Don’t worry, you are surrounded by friends now,” and he gave her the biggest juiciest red apple ever. For Santa’s Christmas Horse deserved the best!

The following year in a town far away, there was a bunny. He had heard about Santa’s Christmas horse. “That’s it! I am tired! Why did we have such a huge family! I need a break. Mailing myself to Santa, ahead of the Christmas rush. I need to rest and see if Santa can help me with all the many gifts for my kids.

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An Unwanted Visitor … A Unique Boat … Fighting off a Gator … And other Rare Facts!


Seeing that big of bat in my garage would freak me out! Actually, seeing any size of bat in my garage would freak me out!


That is ONE LONG VEIL! My question is why? The wedding that I went to yesterday, the bride did not have that long of a veil and she still was stunning.


I just wanted an excuse to show a picture of cute puffins. I mean Pufflings. 🙂


I wish I did!


That is quite unique!


Way to go to, brave girl!

The Happy Heart

This is the sequel to The Long Wait

Muffin, Clara’s Boston Terrier, was still snuggled against Clara’s legs when Clara opened her eyes. Another day had dawned. Her body may be slower at moving at her age, but at least she still was moving.

“C’mon Muffin, time to get up.” Muffin stretched and yawned, then jumped off the bed, ready for breakfast.

Clara was so glad to have her. What a wonderful companion she was. Followed Clara everywhere, such a sweetheart. “I should have called you Shadow.” Clara petted her and then walked to the kitchen to get her breakfast. 

“Do you want overeasy or scrambled eggs, Muffin?”


“Scrambled it is.”

After fixing the eggs, Clara made some cinnamon sugar toast too and sat down to enjoy her breakfast.

Maybe this morning, she would go through her cedar chest. There was no sense in waiting by the mailbox yet. The postman never came this early.

Muffin was snoozing again by the time Clara finished her breakfast and got what she wanted out of the cedar chest.

Sitting down in her favorite chair with an afghan over her legs, she prepared to read her old journals from when she was young.

She smiled at how young and naive she had been when it came to love. Oh, how she had waited at the mailbox when she was young. Waiting for letters from a young man whom she thought she had loved.

The daydreams she would have about him. How crazy she was. Waiting at the mailbox every day for love when love was right in front of her and she hadn’t noticed. Poor Elvin. How patient he had been in waiting for her.

They had a wonderful life together after she had come to her senses and saw Elvin for who he really was. A young man devoted to her.

Clara’s heart glowed once again as she read about some of their special times.

Their life wasn’t always a bed of roses. Sometimes, the thorns had really hurt, but she wouldn’t have wanted to spend it with anyone else.

Muffin barked, and someone was knocking on her door. Who could it be? She didn’t get many visitors these days.

When she opened it, her hand flew to her chest as tears sparked in her eyes.

“Hi Grandma! I wanted to surprise you.”

There he stood. All 6 feet and 3 inches of him. Her Charlie boy. The grandson she adored. Her only grandchild.

They hugged, and her heart was full. He had come! It had been a long time. He had been away at college.

“I waited every day by the mailbox for a letter from you.” Charlie gave a sheepish smile.

“I am sorry, I am an awful letter writer.”

“And so I noticed,” she gave a little laugh as her eyes twinkled.

Giving him another tight hug, she said, “This is better than a letter any day!! Come into the kitchen, I have your favorite cookies.”

They walked into the kitchen as the postman stopped at her mailbox. He missed seeing her waiting for him. She always had his favorite cookies. He sighed. There was still no letter from her grandson. All he had to give her was a notice about her car’s extended warranty.

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Wrapped in a pumpkin fuzzy blanket .. Sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte … Ahh!

When an outdoor wedding turns into an indoor wedding … 100 pct chance of rain tomorrow much to the bride’s dismay…But she will still be radiant and the wedding will still be beautiful … Looking forward to it!

When you think you are in Florida …. We had a few flamingos here the other week … Got turned around due to the storm and lost their way…Ended up in a local pond …. Unfortunately a snapping turtle 🐢 did not like them and bit one’s leg….The hurt flamingo is getting medical care

The Long Wait

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Another day of waiting, clinging to hope. She was an expert at holding on. After all, she had gone through the waiting game before Many years ago she had been standing at the mailbox. Standing there as a young girl oF 16. A young girl in love. Her mind went back in time.

“Clara! Clara!”

Her mom’s voice carried over the wind. No one could claim that they didn’t hear her. The dogs would sometimes howl whenever sbe yelled.

“Clara Jean, the dishes need done, stop standing at the mailbox and come stand at the sink!”

Clara sighed, and crossed the road back to her house. It wouldn’t do any good to upset her mom. The barn dance was tomorrow night and she didn’t want to risk not being able to go.

Mama was hy the sink with a dish towel in her hand. She handed the towel to Clara and spoke.

“Whatcha doing simply standing by the mailbox? People are going to wonder about you. I sure hope Harriet didn’t drive by and see you.”

Harriet was the town’s gossip. If you wanted news to travel faster than the speed of light, there was Tele-Harriet.

Clara dried the dishes without speaking. Sometimes it was better that way. Her mama would cool down.

Ahh! Her sweet mama. Clara may be old now, but she still missed her mom. Briefly she closed her eyes, remembering again. Fifty some years ago, how time had flown. She still remembered that barn dance. What a night it had been.

Elvin had heen the perfect date that night. They had danced the Virginia Reel. The music played in Clara’s head.

How much longer should Clara wait by the mailbox? She knew she was attracting attention by being out here almost daily.

Would today be the day? The day she heard from him? Or would the day become one more number, as the numbers grew and she fought to hold onto hope.

(To Be Continued …)

Once Upon a Cottage

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When she walked into her room and saw the flowers she suddenly felt like she had swallowed a golf ball. Her eyes glistened with tears.

Dillion had been there. He had given her one more gift. The purple flowers. Same kind of flowers that he had given her on their first date. Oh, how amazing the past six months had been. It was killing her to leave, but she had too.

Her Aunt needed help. She hadn’t seen her Aunt in many years. Lived alone in a cottage in the woods. Lucy asked her parent’s about her often, but they didn’t say too much. Only that she lived a different life from everyone else.

Lucy was a naturally curious person, so she never forgot about her Aunt, wondering what she was like. Her Aunt may not have visited but she had always remembered Lucy’s birthdays, sending little gifts. Sent them every year up until her 18th birthday.

There were times that Lucy had thought of visiting her Aunt. Several times her Aunt had written that it would be great to see her, but Lucy had been too busy with life.

When her Aunt wrote to her about how she broke her foot, it tugged at her heart and she knew that now was the time to visit her.

Dillion was busy now with his residency program for Medical School, so it was a good time to go away. But she was still sad about leaving him.

Breathing in the scent of the flowers once more she grabbed her suitcases and headed for the door. She could do this. It would only be a month that she would be gone. Her Aunt’s broken foot should be healed by then.

The drive had been long. Aunt Tracey was really way back in the woods. So many winding roads Lucy was afraid her stomach was going to heave up all its contents of the greasy hamburger she had for lunch.

Finally she turned onto her Aunt’s road, Candy Apple Lane. She had to park at the end of the lane, and walk deep into the woods to get to her Aunt’s cottage.

No wonder her Aunt didn’t go many places. It would be a hassle, walking out of the woods and driving on the winding roads so often.

Oh, her Aunt’s cottage looked charming. Purple curtains in the window and a purple trim around the house. Little flower boxes in the windows and a purple door. Apparently Lucy had at least one thing in common with her Aunt. They both really liked purple. Lucy was wearing a purple top and purple shoes to match.

Lucy began feeling her insides turn to jelly. She had only been ten years old the last time she had seen her Aunt. Her Aunt had told her to feel free to walk right in, being that she was laid up with her broken foot.

Opening the door, Lucy yelled “Hello!”

“Lucy, is that you? Come on in, I am on the couch.”

Following the sound of her Aunt’s voice she walked into the living room and there she was. Her short pixie cut, had gray streaks running through it now, but her wide smile was most welcoming. As Lucy looked around, she felt memories come back to her, of being in this cottage long ago.

“How good it is to see you. You grew into a beautiful young lady.”

Lucy’s cheeks flushed, “Thank you!”

It was then that she noticed a photo album open on ber lap. A photo album of Lucy when she was little.

She was about to say something when she noticed a little girl in a tiny rocking chair reading the smallest book that Lucy had ever seen.

“Thumbelina, this is Lucy. She has come to stay with us for awhile.”

Eyes peered out from around the book and Lucy heard a soft, “Hi.”

“Hi! I am happy to meet you. I enjoy reading too.” Lucy said.

Thumbelina lowered the book a little more and gave a shy smile. Then quickly raised the book back up and started to read.

Lucy remembered reading about the little girl that had been left on her Aunt’s doorstep. She looked so precious with her short wavy, brown hair, and rosy cheeks. Like a little china doll.

An awkward silence filled the room. What did Lucy say to someone she barely knew? She wanted to get to know her but what should she ask first? Thankfully her Aunt spoke up.

“I know you probably have many questions. I will try to sum things up for you, as best as I can, about my life.”

“I relish being in nature, was tired of the rat race and moved here. I call this my Serenity cottage. Its so peaceful. I hear the birds sing every morning and the rabbits and deer come out to greet me. I am secluded here in the woods, but I still see people. In fact I have had rather interesting people pass through my door.”

“I had a runaway hide out in here for a little while, until she decided that it was safe to leave. She had the curls the color of the golden sun but was often picky about the food I served her. Too hot or too cold. She also didn’t like the bed I had in the guest room. First the mattress was too hard, and the next one I got for her was too soft. I was rather glad to have her leave.

Many years ago when I had first moved here I had a young man knock on my door decked out in royal attire. Oh, was he handsome, he had the most luxurious red hair. I was so embarrassed as I was having a bad hair day.” Lucy groaned, she knew all about bad hair days.

“He asked me to try on a glass slipper. I thought that was an odd request, but I tried it on. It pinched my toes something awful. He kissed my hand and wished me well, as he bid me adieu. I wonder if he ever found the woman who owned that slipper. But what I really would like to know is how did she lose it in the first place?”

Lucy was intrigued. She had felt sorry all these past years for her Aunt. Thought she was missing out on everything, but her life did not sound boring. A handsome man, with luxurious hair, decked out in royal attire. Ahh..!

“Lucy, did you hear me?”

Giving her head a little shake, Lucy said, “What?”, realizing she hadn’t heard what her Aunt had said.

“Do you have a boyfriend? Tell me about yourself.”

Lucy smiled, Oh, she could talk about Dillion for hours. And she did.

Her Aunt shared stories about being a teenager and the wild things she and Lucy’s mom had done. Lucy couldn’t believe it, her prim and proper mom used to have a wild side!

They were having so much fun talking that they barely heard the knock on her Aunt’s door. Lucy went to open it.

A hunched over old lady was at the door, holding a basket of red apples. “Would you like an apple dear, for you and the lady of the house?”

“Sorry, I am allergic to red dye and my Aunt is too.”

The old lady frowned and turned around, leaving without saying goodbye. She knew she should have brought the golden delicious apples instead.

By the time she looked up and saw the bear, it was too late. Lucy found the basket in the yard the next morning.

The old lady had tasted rather bitter, but the bear’s stomach was full. That little scamp Goldilocks had escaped from him, but finally he had found someone

Time flew by, Lucy had truly enjoyed spending time with her Aunt and Thumbelina. A bond had formed and Lucy couldn’t wait to bring Dillion to meet her.

Her Aunt’s foot was healed by the time that Lucy had to leave. Lucy promised she would be back soon and then there was a knock on the door as they were finishing up breakfast.

They both walked to the door and were in for a big shock when they opened it. There were seven dwarves!

“Hi! My name is Happy, and my brother’s and I were wondering…”

Lucy was shaking her head, her Aunt definitely did have some strange characters come to her door.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! I am adjusting to walking outside and not seeing the ocean. How is your week going? I did have a good surprise yesterday. As I have shared before, I have a Vitamin D deficiency, and take a prescription dose of Vitamin D each week. It still doesn’t get me in the normal range, but it keeps it from getting dangerously low. Well I was due to have it checked again this Fall and went yesterday, knowing I had spent a week at the beach, in the sun all day. Wanted to see if it made a difference. It did! I was finally in the normal range, low normal, but normal. It won’t stay with Fall coming, but still made me and my Dr happy. I asked my sister’s if they wanted to move to the beach with me. My one sister said she would rather be in the mountains, but said she would compromise with the desert, for I would get Vitamin D there. True, but there are also scorpions, snakes and tarantulas, so I passed. And no ocean waves. My other sister replied that there would be sand waves from the sand dunes. She is such a help. LOL! If you aren’t getting sun outside, I hope you feel the sunshine in your heart and have a great rest of the week. Enjoy the quotes and thanks for reading! 










