Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Fresh Corn-on-the-Cob tonight … The Best Vegetable …

When your son wants chickens and goats, and your daughter wants minature cows … and you ask them when they are moving out … and buying a farm …

When an Eagle swoops down a little too close to your Yorkie … And you need to scare it away…Yorkies aren’t food!

44 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. Corn on the cob is a great dish for those who have front teeth. And the dried cobs can substitute for toilet paper.

    Uh, you might not want to suggest that your kids buy a farm. Do you know what the expression, “Bought the farm,” means?

    You should have shot that Eagle. I hate that football team.

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  2. I’m with you on sweet corn. As someone who doesn’t particularly like that many vegetables, I feel like that one tastes too good to be a vegetable.😊

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  3. When I was a teenager, we’d fill a steel garbage can with sea water, put it in one of the beach fire-pits, and boil a bunch of un-husked corn for evening get-togethers. Nowadays, I think I have about 10 cans of corn left to rotate through the emergency supplies. Questionable fare I suppose, either way.

    Chickens… My brother discovered that he could put food-coloring in the hens’ feed and get green and purple eggs. Sure there’s a market somewhere.

    Local mountain lions, bobcats and coyotes, redtail hawks, golden eagles, bald eagles, peregrines… Seeing a “food” theme in this post.


    • That sounds like fun with the corn at the beach. Better than canned corn. LOL!

      Haha at your brother. Did he get emerald blue eggs ever? πŸ˜‰

      Glad we don’t have to worry about mountain lions. Bobcats or coyotes!
      Clive’s comment goes with the food theme. LOL!
      In the UK they have chocolate 🍫 bars called Yorkies! Just wrong! πŸ˜‚

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  4. STAY AWAY FROM THE YORKIE!! That one went straight to the heart as I’ve shielded my little 5 lb Finley from the LARGE CREATURES LURKING! And yes,…the farm…oh my! I’m so glad I DIDN’T buy it…but oh how I wanted it. My daughter-in-law sends me pics of the grands with corn all the time. Of course I had to send them little corn-shaped corn holders and we all sing β€œThe Corn Song”! Much love and hugs!! πŸ’›

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    • Yay for being Finley’s hero! ❀

      My son especially has always wanted to live on a farm. Loves animals!!
      Yay for corn on your son’s farm! Do they have animals too?
      Don’t think I ever heard the corn song. 🀣
      Love and hugs back at ya! πŸ₯°

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      • They don’t live on a farm, but we had them in family in earlier years! I think my youngest son, when he separates from Air Force, would like to go into cattle with his uncle. We’ll see! The corn they buy from farmer’s market! Yes, YouTube the corn song! It’s fantastic! Hugs and love for a wonderful week! πŸ’•β€οΈπŸ€—


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