One Enchanted Night

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Kellie was lying in bed. Her dolphin nightlight shining in the dark, casting a blue glow in her room. She looked at her digital alarm clock, 11:11. It was one minute later than the last time she had checked. Would she ever fall asleep?

Her bedtime was nine pm, but she hadn’t slept a wink for the past two hours. One would think that perhaps she had too much chocolate cake to eat for snack, but that wasn’t it. Her mom had only given her one piece. So why was she still awake?

Getting up, Kellie made sure to tiptoe into the hallway and down the thick carpeted stairs. Why should she stay in bed if she couldn’t sleep?

Her brother’s flute was on the coffee table and Kellie smiled. Now was her chance. He never let her touch it, but now she picked it up with care. She wondered what kind of music she could play? Of course she wouldn’t dare to play it now. Couldn’t risk waking anyone up. Especially not her brother!

Scrunching up her face she tried to think. Then it hit her, she could play outside on the patio. Kelli was excited. She slid open the glass door and stepped out with the flute in her hand. This was going to be fun. How hard could it be to play it? She had watched her brother play many times.

Putting it up to her lips she blew and it worked! She was playing the flute.

“Bravo! You must join our band.”

Kelli was startled by the voice. Where had it come from?

“Look down.”

Wowzers! There was a glowing, sparkly porcupine in front of her! He was wearing a cute blue sweater, she never knew that porcupines wore sweaters.

“Hi! Did you say that you wanted me to join your band? What band?”

“Yes, I did, my lady.” Kellie stood up a little taller, she hadn’t been called a lady before.

“We are a trio, Peter, Paul and Mary. I am Peter and I play the clarinet. Paul, the skunk plays the violin and Mary, the deer, plays the cello. But we need a flute player. We used to have one, but Puff, the magic dragon, ran away to live by the blue sea. Will you play for us?”

Kelli was speechless. Puff, the magic dragon? She wanted to see him! She began to wonder what all a magic dragon could do. Then she remembered Peter, with the blue sweater, had asked her to join the band. She was going to be in a band. Her rise to fame had happened fast! Hearing about a skunk made her a little nervous, for she didn’t want to get sprayed, but she couldn’t say no.

“Yes, yes, I would be thrilled to play in your band. “

“Yabba Dabba Doo!” Peter, the porcupine yelled with joy, and Kelli laughed.

“Follow me, follow me, we can’t be late. I have an important date, after our performance.”

“Performance? I only started playing a few short minutes ago. I need time to practice.” Kelli stammered.

“Nonsense! You are a star.”

Kelli blushed with pride and started playing as they walked.”

It didn’t take long to reach the Golden Oak tree. “Whooo Whoo…”

Kelli jumped at the loud call of the owl.

“Thats Odessa, our wise conductor, and our tempermental Queen. When she spreads her wings its time to play, and don’t hesitate. Our Queen is not known for her patience.”

Kelli couldn’t believe whst all was happening. She was awestruck! But she didn’t have much time to take it all in. Peter, Paul and Mary were ready to begin. They stood under the tree with their instruments, facing Odessa.

Kelli looked up at Odessa and watched her spread her majestic wings. For a moment she forgot to play, but quickly remembered when Peter gave her a small jab.

“Ow!” She blew into her flute, and Paul glared at Peter, looking at Kelli with sympathy.

“Thats no way to treat our guest.” He sprayed, aiming for Peter’s eyes. Peter yelled, dropping his clarinet.

Odessa screeched …. and all playing stopped. After all, when the Queen of the forest spoke, everyone listened. Looking at Peter, Paul and Kelli, she spoke. “Off with their heads…”

Kelli froze with fright at Queen Odessa’s words. Then she saw a white rabbit heading towards her. “Run, Run! The flying monkeys are coming.”

Flying monkeys? Were Flying monkeys real? She had thought they were only in the Wizard of Oz, but if the forest animals could have a band, than maybe they were real. Kelli wasn’t going to wait around to see! This night was getting too bizarre for her. She dropped her flute and ran all the way home, with the light of the super sized full moon showing her the way.

Evan woke up early to practice his flute before school. He walked downstairs, but the coffee table was bare. “Mom! Where is my flute? Kelli!”

But Kelli didn’t hear him, she was under her covers, fast asleep.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! What is a happy thing that happened to you this week? Or a kindness that you showed to someone? A little deed can still bring a big smile. I texted someone a beautiful photo of a field of flowers with the sun setting. They messaged back that they pretended that they were walking through the field and thanked me for the cheery thought. A simple thing that only took a few seconds of my time, but it made them smile and me too. Technology definitely has its problems, but I love how we can easily spread cheer with it to people we can’t see. So here is your dose of cheer for the day. Enjoy the quotes and thanks for reading and making me smile. 











Sparkles in the Flour

Here is the conclusion to The Call of The Bell

Betsy stared at Mariame in wonder, not uttering a word. It was so silent that the leaves didn’t even flutter in the wind. All was still, and it began to fill eerie.

Mariame shifted a little as she stood in what now had become an uncomfortable silence. Finally, not being able to stand it any longer, she spoke. “Did I say something wrong?”

Betsy shook her head. “I am sorry, but I am in shock by your words. Its not your fault, but may I ask, are you sure about the name? Do you have it right?”

“Yes, I am sure. My sources have never been wrong yet. They say that the deliveries can be traced to Mason’s Diner. Are you familiar with that place?”

Betsy nodded and felt an ache in her heart. How could Mason be involved? Was there a chance that he didn’t know what was going on, right under his nose?

“I know Mason from the diner quite well. I can’t believe that he would be a part of this.”

“Sometimes it is the ones that we least expect, I am sorry. But there is a chance that there is an employee involved instead, and maybe Mason is innocent. You will have to find out. However you can help us will be much appreciated.”

Was Cara involved? No, impossible, thought Betsy. That was even crazier than believing that Mason was guilty!

Betsy was a cow of justice and she would get to the bottom of this. “I will do all I can, you have my word.” Betsy replied.

Mariame bowed her head, “Thank you, most kindly, and I hope that your friend is innocent. I will look forward to hearing from you. Come see me when you are ready, being that you are better at tele-porting.”

That made Betsy smile. Mariame had admitted earlier to being a bit clumsy when it came to tele-porting.

She had also explained that when people needed her, it was really simple. They held a little mirror and said, “Mirror Mirror in my hand, make the magical moose appear.” Unfortunately, she didn’t appear instantly due to her problems with flying. Sometimes she was too late. It was obvious to Betsy that magical moose weren’t going to replace her anytime soon. Her enchanted cowbell was still the best!

Betsy now was eager to watch Mariame tele-port herself. She could use a laugh.

Mariame started to run and take a flying leap into the air. Her big ears helped her fly, the problem was getting her big body into the air.

On her fourth try Betsy was beginning to feel sorry for her. Mariame muttered that it would be easier to be a flying mouse as she took off once again. She made it! Betsy watched her disappear into the air.

As Betsy shook her head, shaking the bell, she decided that breathing in the pink and purple smoke wasn’t so bad after all. At least she didn’t have to try and fly.

Tippner walked into Mason’s diner for his usual breakfast. “Hey Mason, Did Betsy move here? She’s been hanging around here a lot lately.”

“One never knows with Betsy.” Mason said.

Cara came to take Tippner’s order. “Betsy probably heard the smart remarks you made about her before. She is watching you, Tippner. You may want to watch your step.” Cara chuckled, remembering the big, squishy surprise Betsy had left in front of Tippner’s shop before.

Tippner scowled, muttering to himself. He would make sure to give Betsy a compliment when he left. Nothing wrong with playing it safe.

“Where is the new guy? I want him to bring me my order.” He yelled across the diner to Cara. There were only two other people in the diner, Tippner always came bright and early for his breakfast.

“He is in charge of handling the deliveries. He doesn’t wait on tables, you are out of luck. Don’t worry I only dropped your egg on the floor once.” Cara gave a sweet smile when handing him his plate.

“I think you need to trade jobs with the new guy.” quipped Tippner.

Within minutes the morning rush started and Mason and Cara were busy. Mid afternoon was their slow time and Mason was looking perplexed. “Have you seen Jesse? There are still boxes sitting outside and he is gone. Plus there is one box that was open and the flour bag inside it was open as well.”

Cara looked up in surprise, “No, I haven’t seen him. Sorry,”

That night before they closed Cara helped Mason open the other boxes and put the things away. Jesse hadn’t come back. Mason had tried calling his cell phone repeatedly but he kept getting his voicemail.

“Well, looks like I may need to hire someone else. He had seemed to be a good kid, but I can’t have my help walking off the job whenever they want.”

By the end of the week, Jesse still had not shown up at the diner and Mason put the Help wanted ad online once again.

On Saturday morning, Tippner sat at his regular booth listening to Mason talk about Jesse.

“That is too bad. Make Cara do the extra work, she needs to keep herself busy. I hope he didn’t steal Betsy, for I noticed that she hasn’t been here lately.”

“I am confident that he didn’t mess with Betsy. If so, I feel sorry for him.” Mason replied.

Ugh! This is awful! How did he get here and why couldn’t he get out. Jesse was fuming. The swamp felt like quicksand every time he tried to move. One moment he was pulling the bag of diamonds out from the bottom of the flour bag, at Mason’s Diner and then, he was here. The last thing he had seen before coming here were the angry eyes of some dumb brown cow that had been watching him. The cow had snatched the bag of diamonds right out of his hands!

The Multi-Colored Fruit Tree … Perfect description of Love … Rudolph’s Eyes and Other Facts!


Now that would be a good place to go to if you needed to hide.


Didn’t know that about Rudolph.


Ravens have good manners.


I want a Fire Opal!


Sad about all the fruit trees being destroyed, but this is one unique and pretty tree!


Your “Aww..” Fact for the day. ❤

The Call of The Bell

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Betsy sensed something in the air. It felt like she was being watched, but by who?

Had the troublemaker come back again? She should have sent him to the swamp when she had a chance, but her compassionate heart won this time. It had only been the guy’s first time getting into trouble. She had given him a second chance. Hopefully she wouldn’t regret it. Looking around she didn’t spot him or anyone else watching her. Maybe she had been wrong.

No, being wrong, rarely, if ever happened. She was Betsy, the legend, the hero, the tired one. Yes, she was tired, how she longed for a vacation. It was tough being a hero.

But how did a hero ever take a vacation? There were always people and animals to save or to set straight. Betsy sighed. She couldn’t take a vacation. What was she thinking?

There was no way that her caring heart could handle not responding to the call of her bell. People needed her and she would do her best to be there for tbem.

As the leaves fluttered in the wind she started the trek back to Mr Fuzzywhistle’s farm. Deciding to take the scenic route this time instead of letting her bell take her back there within seconds, she enjoyed the quiet walk. Besides, breathing in the pink and purple smoke that came when ringing her bell, wasn’t always a good thing for her.

Marami, the Moose, was watching from afar. Finally she had found her. Betsy, the famous cow. She had seen the sunlight dancing off of the silver cowbell around her neck. This was the cow that she had heard so much about and why she had traveled so far.

When Betsy started walking away Marami realized that she better hurry. She didn’t come all the way from Canada to lose sight of Betsy. Now was the time to meet her.

Betsy was taking her time. Thinking of her home. Old man Fuzzywhistle’s farm was a real pleasant place to be. Lots of green acres to wander around and graze in.

The townspeople were friendly too. Cara often came to see her. A sweet young woman, Mason was fortunate to have her working at his coffee shop.

Betsy had gone on some calls with Mason. People didn’t know his undercover work, but he had been a help to Betsy breaking up a ring of smugglers before. Though he had almost made them late for he had needed to make a stop to get his special hair products.

He was a help. One of the first believers in her magic, knowing that she wasn’t an ordinary cow. But he did manage to get into trouble as well. Trouble with a capital T, followed him, when hanging out with Tippner. Those two could get themselves into the craziest situations.

Betsy kept a special eye on Tippner especially, for he liked to make smart comments about her sometimes. He didn’t think she heard him, but he should never doubt Betsy. She has ways of finding out. After all, she does have an enchanted bell.

Oh, she knew he was only having fun. If Betsy had thought him to be serious with his remarks, she would have kicked him to the swamp long ago! Nah! He was harmless, but someday he may find himself in a funny situation. Betsy laughed, she could have fun too.

Wow! The last thing she expected to see was a moose standing in her path.

“Hi! I am Betsy, you have come a long way or did my bell take me to Canada without me knowing?”

“Greetings! I am Marami and no, you aren’t in Canada, my friend. I have traveled all this way to meet you, the legend.”

Betsy’s cheeks tinged with pink. What a polite, friendly moose.

“I am honored. Glad to meet you. What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to know how you are holding up. I am a magical moose and I understand the demands on you and I can be exhausting. Sometimes it’s hard to have a gift.” She looked at Betsy with eyes of compassion.

Betsy was shocked. A magical moose? Someone that could understand her struggle over being tired! But questions swirled in her brain. How much magic could she actually do? Did her magic work the same way as Betsy’s? Was it as good? Well obviously it couldn’t be as good, thought Betsy.

“Thanks for your concern. So, you work magic too? Where is your bell? What kind of magic are you able to do?” Questions rolled off her tongue, for she had never met a magical moose before.

Mariame’s lit up with amusement. “We don’t need any bells around our necks. “

Betsy tried not to be annoyed with the flippant way Mariame had said that. Betsy cherished her bell. Her mom had bestowed it on her when Betsy was young. It was special.

“Do you help people or only other animals?”

“Oh, people need the most help, don’t they? Or is your Country different?”

Betsy shook her head. “No, it isn’t different here. The people need a lot of help. We animals try to teach them, but… “

“No more needs said. You and I need an impossible amount of magic to help make people as wise as we are. The dogs and cats do their best to train them, but the silly humans still think that they are the ones teaching us.”

Betsy nodded her head in agreement. She knew the people of Bittersweet Creek really well, and yes, they needed a help that was beyond her capabilities.

Mariame talked as they walked and her magic sounded similar to Betsy’s but she didn’t have the fanfare of billowing pink and purple smoke. That made Betsy smile. Maybe the smoke was a good thing after all.

Like herself, Betsy could tell that Mariame had a good heart. Perhaps this was the answer to Betsy’s dilemma about wanting a vacation. Maybe she could ask Mariame to …

“So, I need to be honest with you Betsy.” Betsy’s mind shifted gears, what was Mariame going to say?

“I didn’t travel all this way only to meet you and see how you were. I need your help.”

*To be continued….*

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Friday’s Question : What is something you like about yourself? Share in the comments

When my husband buys me some Sweet Pumpkin Harvest Tea, even though he doesn’t understand how I can like it. It is very good! My poor husband ruined his taste buds with spicy food. LOL!

A Short, Tender, 4 minute video .. Its worth your time .

Rain Dance?

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Anson woke up later than usual in the morning. All the dancing last night had wiped him out. His poor body reminded him that he wasn’t 20 anymore.

He stretched his sore muscles and walked to the kitchen to turn on his coffee maker. Hopefully the rain dance he did last night would bring rain today. It was a far stretch, but what did he have to lose. He had made sure to perform the dance in the dark so that no one would see him.

Knock knock! Who would be at his door? He wasn’t expecting anyone today.

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Before Anson knew what was happening the pig walked right into his house as flowers fell around her. “Hi! I am Blossom. Whats your name?”

Anson stared at Blossom with his mouth wide open and his eyes bulging.

Blossom tilted her head, giving Anson a strange look. “Are you okay, good fella?”

“Uh huh”.. was all that Anson could utter. He was bamboozled.

“I am not sure why you are so surprised. You did the Dance of the Pigs last night, didn’t you?”

Anson shook his head. “I was doing a rain dance.”

Blossom laughed. “A rain dance? I think you got your dances a little confused, good fella. Next time I will bring a huge watering can. Will pour it out while I am flying,” She giggled some more.

“While you recover from your shock I will tell you a little about me.”

Anson nodded his head, still looking pale when looking at Blossom. She sure was a bubbly pig, he thought. “There is a flying pig in my house.”

Blossom shook her head, rolling her eyes. “I am glad you realize that now. We are making progress.”

Anson poured himself a big cup of coffee and sat down to drink it. Blossom continued talking. “I hope you can help me find my brother’s. Those crazy triplets went off on their own to build houses!”

Anson’s cup shook in his hand as he took a big gulp. OUCH! He forgot it was still real hot.

Your brother’s??”

Blossom’s eyes sparkled, “Yes! I missed them like crazy. I should thank you for doing the Dance of the Pigs and bringing me down here.

We heard through the grapevine that they got themselves into a little trouble with a big, bad wolf. Do you know anything about it?”

Anson smacked his forehead. Blossom now was the one surprised. “Is that supposed to be a Yes or a No to my question?”

He smacked his head again and groaned some.

“Perhaps I will look around for them myself. I think you may need some ice for your head if you keep smacking it.”

Blossom looked at Anson with concern. “Get some rest and I think you will be Ok. I will see you later.”

Walking around Blossom wasn’t sure how to begin the search for her brother’s. She walked a little ways and came upon a market. By this time Blossom was getting hungry and when she saw some apples she grabbed a red, juicy one.

She continued walking in the neighborhood and heard some pounding going on. A house was being worked on and the three workers looked…It was her brother’s! Blossom squealed with joy and ran to them.

What a happy reunion they had! They were finishing up the house and invited Blossom to move in with them. They had wanted to get farther away from the big, bad wolf, so had moved. That night after a celebratory dinner of roast beef they all relaxed,

Days passed and Anson was feeling much better. His crazy encounter with Blossom became a figment of his imagination. At least that is what he convinced himself it was. He didn’t say a word to anyone about it and he didn’t do rain dances anymore.

On Saturday he walked to the market close by. He was feeling happy, all felt right in his little world. After picking up a few items, he started walking home on the sunshiny day. Oh, the house that had been under construction was finished. He should say Hi to the new neighbors. In fact maybe they would like the Peach pie he had bought.

He rang the doorbell and waited. Blossom opened the door. “HI Anson! What a surprise. Guess what, I found … Anson, Anson, where are you going?”

He had dropped his food at the door and was …. running all the way home.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! Some of you may remember that my son went skydiving two years ago and absolutely loved the thrill! He does not take after me! Now my daughter is planning to go with him in 2 weeks and they asked me once again to join them. Once again I looked at them like they were crazy, which they are. I will stick with the non-dangerous thrill ride of blogging! 🙂 Enjoy the quotes and if you are braver than me I applaud you.







I remember begging my mom for clackers and being so happy when we got them.





Impressive Memory … Dancing Seahorses … What 80,000,000 people may think and other Facts!


Sounds like he was an “incredibly smart” guy!


My husband leaves for work at 5:30am. A dance is not happening.


If I was to draw a map, the letter would not end up at its rigbt destination.


And now we know where the saying, “Her voice is music to my ears.’ came from. 😉


One creative way to look on the bright side!

6. An amazing, partially true fact of my own: I decided to bungee jump over a beautiful gorge this weekend and unfortunately my back went out while I was busy being brave.

The short, boring, but true version of that fact would be that I threw my back out this weekend, and have been on the couch. Today was better than yesterday, so hopefully will keep improving. I was simply putting a dish into the dishwasher! Housework is dangerous!

Heart of Love

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Everyone was waiting inside the lawyers office for Uncle Larry’s Last Will and Testament to be read. Lola wondered if he left her anything. Not that she needed anything. He had always told her that she was his favorite niece. She was thankful for their special bond and he was truly missed.

To the rest of the family he was known as the crazy, eccentric relative, but to Lola, he was more sane than some of her other relatives. In spite of his little idiosyncrasies. He had a caring heart and he listened to her.

“Good Morning everyone. I am glad you all came and I will begin the reading of Larry’s Will soon.”

“How much money did he leave me? Thats all I want to know.” Lola’s Uncle Craig gave a smug smile, causing Lola to roll her eyes.

Her cousin, Austin spoke up, “I should get the larger portion of money, I took the old guy to his Dr appointments.”

Sometimes Lola wondered if she had been adopted. Her family drove her crazy. She looked at the lawyer. He was sitting in his chair calmly, letting the family argue among each other as to who would get more money.

Then he cleared his throat and said, “If you all quiet down, I can read the Will and you all can find out what he left you.”

They stopped arguing and soon it was quiet.

“To my family, I know what you all thought of me. Some crazy, eccentric man, and you couldn’t wait to get your hands on my money. In fact you probably have all been arguing about it.”

His sister Rose was shifting uncomfortably in her chair and his brothers Craig and Hank had sober looks on their faces. Lola’s cousins were looking at their shoes. Lola was the only one smiling. Her Uncle Larry knew them all too well.

“To my brother Craig, I leave you the ceramic bull that my dear wife had. I figured it was fitting, because of all the bull in the things you say.” Craig’s face was beet red, “Well that …” The lawyer held up his hand to stop him as he continued reading. Lola tried hard to stifle her laughter.

“To my brother Hank, I leave you my thumbtack collection. I figured you would want them back, after putting them on my chairs and in my shoes.”

Rose laughed out loud at Hank, “He sure got you.”

“And to my sister Rose,”I leave you my pet snake. I figured you two would be comfortable with each other.” Rose’s face went white, “I..I … didn’t know he had a sn….snake!”

Lola was enjoying herself immensely. She watched her cousins lose their excitement over the Will being read. They knew how they had teased Uncle Larry and were losing hope at getting any of his money.

Sure enough, he didn’t leave them any money, only crazy little things. Their faces had settled into deep scowls.

“Finally I would like to leave my amazing niece my house, she deserves it and so much more. She understood me and had a loving heart, like her Aunt Edna, my wonderful wife. There is no gift that can express my gratitude for her. As to all the riches you all think I have, you are wrong. I left all my money to the Children’s Hospital to help others who have the same rare disease that my precious Valerie had.”

Noone spoke. Lola couldn’t speak if she wanted to, due to the lump in her throat. She was shocked and touched beyond words. He left her his house! The house he had built in memory of his wife, Lola’s sweet Aunt. She had a passion for shoes, and he had so much fun seeing it be built. It had brought joy to his grieving heart.

The family filed out of the lawyer’s office, wallowing in their self pity. Lola watched them go, hoping they learned something, but doubting it.

She walked out into the sunshine, grinning and looked into the sky, giving her Uncle a wink.

Six months later it was ready. This was the big day. The ribbon cutting in front of the Shoe House. The house that would now be filled with the sounds of happy children. Children that had nowhere to go and no family to love them.

Lola only had two children at first, but over rhe years the number grew. Sometimes there were so many children that Lola didn’t know what to do. So she kept loving them. Loving them through all the years, and staying in the Shoe. Stayed and became known as the old woman who lived in the Shoe.