Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When you are in the middle of of a story … and POOF … you are in the dark, due to power going out … Reason for no post last night …

Candles are flickering … In a dark room … Husband looks at you … with a confused look on his face … What? Doesn’t everyone decide to organize their pantry at 3am when power is out and they can’t sleep?

Happiness is finding a couple books that you have been wanting … More Happiness is when you had store credit to use, making them free …. Plus more Happiness when you returned home to the power being on and the house feeling cool again.

33 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. I’ll bet you were writing a mystery.
    Were you really organizing the pantry, or sneaking snacks when you thought nobody could see you?
    I’m glad you’ve discovered the secret to happiness. Maybe next time you’ll pay your electric bill on time.

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  2. Oh, how I wish to have a pantry! Sorry you lost your power at home, but I applaud your decision to go shopping in an air-conditioned store in the meantime! And free books are my lifeline! That’s why I love my Kindle!

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    • Thanks! I will go shopping in a bookstore anytime! 😊 We got ice cream too. 😋
      Ooh yes, Kindles are great!! So many free and cheap books you can get on them. I miss mine!! But I will replace it and have fun filling it up. 😉

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      • Filling up a Kindle is so easy! I can’t seem to get my total books for my Kindle down under the 500 mark, even though I read somewhere between 12 and 19 books a month on average (I ended up at 89 read so far this year as of July 1st!). My bestie has been giving me books from her tangible TBR pile lately, and I try to get them read and into the hands of the library for their semi-annual book sale. Oh, it’s a tough job to have so many books waiting to be read, but hey, somebody’s gotta do it!

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