Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When you and your hairdresser are talking and unaware that you walk out of the hair salon with the cape still around you … I knew I was Wonder Woman …Just needed my cape! I gave it back, wasn’t my color.

Seeing the joy in a little girl’s eyes and hearing her happy laughter when given a red balloon, warmed my heart … A good reminder about finding joy in the small things!

The ocean may be my favorite place, BUT … You could not pay me enough to go down in the depths of the ocean in a claustrophobic tube …. My heart does break for the family and friends of the five that died.

25 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. Years ago I went to a hairdressers and got part way through the cut when the hairdresser had to take a phone call. A few moments later she came back and started chopping away until I heard the dreaded words. Oh ##@###. The hairdresser admitted that when she got back she started cutting to the style the last customer had asked for. I got a free and very aggressive hair cut. Took it months to grow back 😂😂😂😂

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  2. Even funnier would be to walk into the salon wearing a cape and acting like that was completely normal. My buddies and I would take dares like that for cash when we were in high school.

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  3. I just appreciate a hair-stylist who doesn’t take short cuts.
    Inflation has made balloons too expensive.
    And I was a Physics major. The only way you’d have gotten me into that submersible is to have mixed a half bottle of Valium into the half a bottle of Rum I drank beforehand.

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