Showing your love

Today I heard from a friend about how her friend just lost her husband in a tragic accident. They had just got married this past May. It once again hit me how life really is a vapor. We don’t know how much time we have left and that is why the time is NOW to say and do things. Not tomorrow or a few years down the road, but NOW.Β  Let those who you are close to know how much they mean to you. Don’t say, well I am sure they already know, keep showing and telling them.

I have always liked Leo Buscalgia, he is a gifted writer and speaker, and his words were coming back to me today. I would like to share this short video clip with all of you for I think he gets the message across with what he shares, better than I ever could. I hope it touches your heart.


48 thoughts on “Showing your love

  1. I lost my mum last April. She was a 20 years cancer survivor. She died because of lung cancer. Today, I really miss her so much. Even though I did my best in caring for her in her final days, I still couldn’t let go of everything. Your post reminded me of my past. The life I used to have. Let’s appreciate life and keep on doing our best.


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