Running from Death … The Gorilla Astronaut … Marilyn Monroe and Ella … and Other Facts!


Good to know that astronauts have a sense of humor! With as stressful as their job is I am sure they need it.


I would choose farming over politics as well!


Green is much better, aren’t all giants green? 🙂


Boredom? What is that? I have enough books to read being that we don’t have enough snow to make a snowman that big!


Well, there are some things you can’t run from!


Being Kind goes a long way!

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Sibling rivalry: My dear husband still blames his sweet sister for having to watch The Smurfs, (when they were young) … when he wanted to watch The Incredible Hulk…”Poor Brad.” Taking votes….Which show would you choose..?

The joy of surprising someone with an unexpected gift!

We called him Grandpa … He kept a close eye on us at the beach … always around…
