Train Hero, Zebra’s buddy, Polar Bear Warning and other facts that you need to know.

What a hero!


This makes my head hurt just thinking about it!


Always good to have a buddy looking out for you.


I am suddenly feeling quite small!


Never knew it had a name, but I have always liked the smell of rain.


Just in case you were thinking of trying one! It can also cause you to have vomiting, hair loss and bone damage if you don’t die first. The daily recommended allowance of Vitamin A we can get by only eating one-tenth of a gram of the liver.

68 thoughts on “Train Hero, Zebra’s buddy, Polar Bear Warning and other facts that you need to know.

  1. That Mexican railroad brakeman was well-trained.
    How would we know if the Indian mental calculator and the US Bureau of Standards were both wrong?
    Those ostriches would hear and smell danger better if they’d only pull their heads out of their sand.
    Perhaps the elephant would weigh more if it packed more junk in its trunk.
    Try saying this: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled petrichor.
    This post has saved my life. After reading it I immediately threw out my supply of polar bear liver.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joy, Devi is a true “Rainman” per the movie of the mathematical Dustin Hoffman. That is amazing. However, I love the story of the ostriches and zebras. That should be made into a kid’s book if it hasn’t already. Maybe our political parties could emulate them. Keith

    Liked by 2 people

  3. #2… Devi was an interesting read. At Southern Methodist University in 1977, a program was written for a UNIVAC 1101 computer to calculate the 23rd power of 546,372,891. It took Devi less time than the computer to derive an answer to the 23rd root of the computer’s 201-digit result. Just calculating square roots by hand is tedious. Higher roots, even with a calculator for intermediate steps, is just a pain. No kidding about the headache! There’s apparently an Amazon Prime movie about her life.

    Liked by 1 person

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