This is Now

A cup of Hot Chocolate with some Wintergreen mints dropped in it.  Hallmark Christmas movie on Tv with the lights down low.  A relaxing evening!

Loyal dog laying at my feet and another one on my lap.

Reading a good book while wrapped in a cozy blanket.  Knowing that it may be a late night as I stay up fonishing it.

 Thinking.of all the other books on my long list to read.  Anyone care to add some more to the list?  Thankful for a  long.road trip where I was able to read a book from cover to cover.  Planning to read more next week as we hit the road once  again.

Thinking of friends who I  know are very happy right now, and letting  their happiness make me  happy as well. 

Being thankful for the good Doctor”s  report received today and how 5 years ago the report was so different.

Smiling at the warm thoughts of the Holidays coming and the magical Joy that they bring!

Thinking about Christmas cards and surprise packages that have been sent and that come in the mail. 

This is life on a Wednesday night.  “This is Us”.  Yes, I have finally started watching that show!  Ooooh how my heartstrings were tugged! 

Life is far from perfect.  Life is full of the unknown, but for now,  for this hour, this moment in time,  “This Is Us!”  This is now and this is very good!

11 thoughts on “This is Now

    • Thanks for your words!
      Its not a movie that I was talking about. Its a sitcom that I just weaved into.the story. The title is, “This is Us” 🙂 🙂 Highly reccomend it!
      Thanks for.the book suggestions! Will check.them out. Have a wonderful day!


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