Happy( soon to be) New Year!

My plans were to read more of Jane Eyre tonight. A classic novel that my husband bought me for Christmas and I am really enjoying. Makes me want to look up more classics, anyone have suggestions of their favorites? I may have read this back in HS, but right now its new again πŸ™‚

Anyway I got distracted by trying to change the format of my site. As you can tell it hasn’t changed! I gave up! All I wanted to do was change the sidebar, put some things in different order but computer wasn’t letting me. I will say computer cause i am sure the operator was doing everything right! πŸ™‚ NOT!

So I gave up and sat down to read under the lights of my tree, yes it is still up:) My tree always stays up til after New Year’s! Well I read something that stood out to me as something to share, can be what we strive for in the New Year πŸ™‚ So here you go, a quote to end Tuesday’s thoughts with πŸ™‚

“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs. With this creed I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime, I can so sincerely forgive the first while I abhor the last, with this creed, revenge never worries my heart, injustice never crushes me too low; I live in calm.”

This was stated by a teenager who was an orphan at a boarding school where the food was scarce, the water was putrid and , the clothes were shabby and some of the teachers were cruel.Β  What a great creed to live by, especially when faced with those circumstances!

9 thoughts on “Happy( soon to be) New Year!

  1. Other classics that i have liked are by Jane Austen- Pride and Prejudice, Charles Dickens- A tale of two cities, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist. Happy Reading πŸ™‚ and have a great year ahead.


  2. Ahh! I do like Jane Austen too πŸ™‚ Did you see the movie Austenland? I watched it with my daughter and we enjoyed it. Its a lighthearted romance about a girl that LOVES Jane Austen and is a huge fan and goes to visit a place called Austenland where the characters come to life, its like you are in the book, and of course she falls in love πŸ™‚ But there is a twist.


    • Yes they are, thanks for reading πŸ™‚ Yes, I did read that and I highly recommend it! My daughter read it and loved it too! Its sad, but very good! I had to think of you while reading a part of Jane Eyre. It talked about her friend being called to the front of the classroom and being flogged. Actually it was after that incident that the passage I quoted was written.


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