Sunday’s Question



Too many times I believe we are harder on ourselves than we should be! We concentrate more on our faults, and the things we aren’t rather than on the things that we are. We get frustrated at our weaknesses instead of being thankful for our strengths. If we can’t love our imperfect selves, how can we truly love others?

So here is a simple exercise for you. What is one thing that you really like about yourself? One quality that you have that makes you smile and feel good about yourself.   Share it with us, remind yourself that you really are special. That there is no one more Youer than You!






Cheers for Rudolph!

It’s that time of year again to watch Christmas classics and there is one movie, that has always been a special classic to me. It has stood the test of time,  being around for over 50 years!

I watched it every year as a child, as a teenager, when I had children, and still now with my older teens. When the song comes on the radio in the car I still sing along to it. Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer is more than just a cute movie. There are great lessons in it.

I can’t tell you the number of times that this song has come to my mind over the years.  A very simple song, but a song that gives hope. Hope for a better tomorrow,  if your day isn’t going to well. Hope to hang on!

It also shows Clarice  not going along with the crowd of the other reindeer that made fun of Rudolph, she didn’t give in to them. She saw Rudolph for who he was and she helped give him courage to believe in himself. And who can forget the adorable scene where he is twitterpatted as he jumps in the air.

Who hasn’t identified with the Island of Misfit Toys before? How many kids out there have felt that there was something odd about them and that they just didn’t fit in at times. In Rudolph those misfit toys are saved and made to feel special!

Plus, who like Herbie has wanted to do something different from what was expected of them? Wanted to venture out into a new thing, an elf being a dentist?? Why not! Look what he was able to do by being a dentist, he saved his friends!

Yes, Rudolph will always be a special movie to me, one  that lightens the heart and is a part of Christmas cheer. In this world filled with technology that is constantly changing and a world where it seems judgement and hate run rampid at times, I hope that we can be reminded of the simple message that Rudolph portrays! That there is nothing wrong with being different! That we need to accept ourselves for who we are, not try to wear masks and hide our “blinking nose!”

That we have a purpose, whether or not we can float like all the other boats, or we choose to ride an ostrich instead of a horse. Each one of us is special in our own special way! Go SHINE and ENJOY BEING YOU!