Purple Feathers Falling

Image from Pinterest

Where were the feathers coming from? Marissa was standing in the field looking up at the sky as the feathers fell down around her. There were no birds flying in the azure blue sky. These weren’t typical bird feathers either, they were purple. Marissa picked one up looking at it closer, and looked back up at the sky. Nothing was falling anymore.

She gathered the feathers up in her hands, not exactly sure what she was going to do with them, but they felt special. How often do purple feathers just randomly fall out of the sky?

If this was how her day was starting, what did the rest of the day hold for her? Were these purple feathers a sign of good luck? She was interviewing for a Nanny position today, she would take all the luck that she could get.

This was the correct house. A large beige stone house. Marissa took a deep breath as she walked up the stone path leading to the door. Beautiful hyacinths and lupine were on either side of the path.

Ringing the doorbell, she calmed herself feeling the soft feathers in her pocket.

The door opened and a woman with a baby in her arms and a 3 year old wrapped around her leg was standing there.

“Welcome! Come on it.” she said to Marissa, greeting her with a warm smile.

“Hi! You have a lovely home.” Marissa said, looking around.

“Thank you! This is little Austin in my arms and Valerie.” The Mom reached down and brushed Valerie’s hair out of her eyes as the little girl kept playing peek a boo with Marissa, hiding behind her Mom’s legs.

Marissa was beginning to relax, the lady seemed friendly and little Valerie was adorable with her blue eyes and impish smile. Then Marissa looked at the painting on the wall beside her and her breath caught in her throat.

It was a painting of a young lady standing in a field as purple feathers fell down around her. The feathers looked exactly like the ones in Marissa’s pocket and goosebumps covered Marissa’s arms. The young lady in the painting looked exactly like Marissa! Even had the exact same scarf around her neck as Marissa had, which Marissa was now fingering nervously.

Mrs. Hetchfield looked at the painting and back at Marissa with a cunning smile, “Like I said, Welcome dear, you are exactly where you belong now. I have been waiting for a long time.”

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