Farewell Anna!

Yesterday’s post, The Clue that Answered All! apparently didn’t  answer all, so here we are again! If you have been following Anna’s story from the very beginning, I am sure that it comes as no surprise to you that yesterday’s post wasn’t really the end. I hope you now enjoy hearing the climax of the Anna/Tanya mystery.


They were getting close to shore. Tanya had her back turned, and was oblivious to what awaited her. Tanya rubbed her hand down Patrick’s muscular arm as she looked him in the eye, asking if he wanted to come into her cottage when they arrived.

Almost reaching the shore, Tanya turned around and her face went ashen at the sight of Luke in his cop uniform.  She turned towards Patrick. “You know who I really am, you set me up!” she spat out in an icy tone.

“I guess, you aren’t going to invite me into your cottage after all?” Patrick said. “By the way, thanks for the back massage, it felt great …. Anna!”

Tanya’s face got beet red as she slapped Patrick on the cheek and jumped into the water. Patrick was stunned for a moment, then he watched her in the water. He wasn’t exactly sure where she was planning on swimming too, so he wasn’t in a hurry to jump in and grab her. He was a strong swimmer, it wouldn’t take long to overtake her. He steered the boat into shore and docked it, then jumped into the water. Within 10 minutes he had caught up to her and grabbed her around the waist. She flailed some, but she knew it was no use, so she slapped his cheek again. He was going to be more than happy to turn her over to Luke! Let him deal with this crazy girl!

“Hey cous!” said Patrick as he got out of the water carrying a struggling Anna. “Care to help me out?”

In no time, Luke had the cuffs on Anna and was reading her rights.

“Good Luck with her”, said Patrick, “She is a feisty one!”

“You are coming with me, I can’t take her by myself, you know the rules. You are the FBI guy. ” Luke replied.

“You didn’t bring any other officers along?” ”

“No, I figured we could handle it.”

Patrick smiled, ” Well it has been a while since I saw your wonderful family,  so sure I will come along with you and little Miss. Sourpuss.”

Anna gave a frosty glare.

Luke shook his head, ” You better watch it, you want her to leave more marks on your cheek?”

“Ha! She is in cuffs now, can’t touch me! She sure did enjoy touching me earlier in the day though.” he said, with a smirk.

Anna’s face was getting redder by the minute. Luke gave him a look, and Patrick stopped. He knew he had said enough, and that he probably shouldn’t have said those things, but it had felt good.

It was dark by the time they got to Luke’s house. Anna would have to stay there for the night, they would transfer her to the jail tomorrow. Luke didn’t want her in the house, so he had made up a little bed for her in the barn. He would padlock the door shut.

When he walked in to the barn with her Betsy let out a loud MOO,  which made Anna jump, as she remembered the nightmares she had back at the cottage about Betsy. It felt like Betsy’s eyes were looking right through her.  Made a chill run through her. She wasn’t watching where she walked, stepped right on Portia’s tail. Portia let out a loud squeal as Anna turned to see a pot bellied pig staring back at her.

Charlie the Chicken was being quiet for once in his little corner, observing everything closely. Anna had been delivered right to them! Tonight would be fun! They would get justice for their dear friend, the “Chicken Man!”

Luke asked Anna if she was hungry, but she refused.  She didn’t want any hot milk either to help her sleep, which Luke had offered. He knew she was a criminal, but  he still had a genuine, kind heart.

“Well try to get some sleep. We will leave after a hot breakfast tomorrow.  Goodnight.”

There was no reply.

Luke patted Betsy, Portia and Charlie goodnight.  He couldn’t pinpoint it, but there was something in their eyes that he thought looked strange.

Back in the house, Annie was loving being with Patrick again, and showing off her new baby brother. Patrick held him in his arms, such a precious bundle of joy.  He hoped that someday he would get to hold a baby of his own. Little Lance smiled up at him and his heart melted.

Early the next morning Luke went out to take Anna some breakfast. He opened the barn and Anna came rushing out knocking him down,and the food went flying!

“Take me to the jail NOW!” she cried!

“Get me away from here and far, far away from these animals!” She bolted from Luke and jumped into his squad car. Patrick had run out of the house due to the screaming and watched in wide eyed amazement at Anna being in hysterics.

Luke looked in the barn and Betsy stared back at him with Charlie sitting on her back. They had become great friends after all. Portia was contently chewing on a corn cob. Luke wasn’t sure but he could have sworn that it looked like they all were smirking!

He shut the door and started walking away. Was that singing he heard? It was the strangest singing he had ever heard, but it was coming from the barn. He opened the door and all was quiet, closed it and walked away, sure enough it started again. It sounded like Betsy, but since when did cows sing!

He got in the squad car, Patrick was already in the other seat. They were ready to get Anna to jail and get back home again. They were all going to have a picnic by the creek , under the Weeping Willow tree. Luke smiled, Anna had been caught and all was well once again. The windows in the squad car were open and as he pulled away, there was loud squalling from the barn.

“What is that sound?” asked Anna.

“Just Betsy singing you a farewell song,” Luke said, and down the road they went, to the sound of Patrick’s laughter.



97 thoughts on “Farewell Anna!

  1. Well … I’m sure the guys will come up with something, but for me, this pretty much puts paid to the story! I’m left nearly speechless and admit to a good laugh over Anna’s fate at the hands of the critters … whatever it was they did to her. Great job, Carolyn! And I knew Patrick was a Feeb! ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Of course there will be a trial. And at the trial, Anna’s lawyers will argue that she was denied due process. She wasn’t read her rights, and was brutally tortured into a confession by some real animals. The judge will agree and dismiss all charges. Then Anna will row back to the island and seek her revenge on Patrick, while searching for the heart-shaped cave.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have to admit, you milked these characters for all the were worth. That shows a lot of pluck. I guess Tanya’s goose is cooked. Wait, was there a goose in the barn?

    I look forward to hearing about Anna’s adventures in prison? I hope she has a cell mate named Tonya.

    Or maybe first there will be a courtroom procedural for her trial.

    We have to find out what happens next.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You have me smiling and shaking my head! You are too good with puns! But No, there was no goose in the barn. Lucy wasn’t there!

      Ummm….wait, did you miss the END? Betsy sang, the fat cow sang, it has to be over!


  4. About a year later, under the deep emerald blue seas, in a cave with an opening shaped like a heart… bubbles rose from the inky black depths and settled against the roof of the cave. Deep within the cave, there were dim lights moving through the darkness. Three divers pressed on through the meandering passages until they arrived at a large underground cavern filled with air. The three emmerged from the black water and into the cave.

    “Snort, the map was correct” grunted Portia, her azure green eyes glimmering with greed.

    “It better be. It cost moooore gallons of milk than I can count.” said Betsy, water dripping from her cowbell.

    “You ladies going to sit here clucking, or are we going to find the gold. Cluck Cluck.” said the un-named chicken.

    “Won’t the farmer be suspicious?” snorted Portia.

    “No, he thinks we’re sweet dumb farm animals.” said Betsy with a disdainful sneer.

    “Come on! Cluck Cluck. Into the cave. Times wasting!”

    With nothing but their flashlights against the overpowering darkness, our three unsuspecting treasure hunters pressed on into the cave. When suddenly a rush of wind passed Betsy ear, she dropped to the ground just as a blade shot across where her head had been a second before.

    “Mooooooo!” Betsy bellowed “There are udder traps, I mean booby traps in this place.”

    “Yeah, snort, you two be careful.” said Portia with a smirk on her snout.

    They pressed on through the darkness. “What’s that up ahead?” clucked the chicken. There was a rush of metal and bones and the chicken was caught off guard.

    After the feathers had settled, Betsy and Portia could see the poor chicken run through with the dead pirates sword. His skull appearing to be agape in laughter.

    “Pirate Sanders the gray beard!” Gasped Betsy.

    “I hear he was a colonel before becoming a pirate.” oinked Portia. “Snort. We must be more careful lest we end up skewered like the chicken.”

    When they got to the entrance to a larger cavern, Portia came to a sudden halt. “Mooooove.” bellowed Betsy.

    “No, wait!” Portia snorted “It could be another trap!”

    Betsy and Portia carefulls shined their lights around until they found the carefully concealed trip wire and saw the trap. “You really saved our bacon, Portia.” mooed Betsy.

    They carefully stepped over the trip wire and reached the treasure chest at the center of the chamber. It was filled with gold coins that gleamed in the light of their flashlights. And on top there was a crown. Betsy read the inscription in the inside.

    “What does it say? Oink, What does it say?” snorted Portia, because pigs can’t read.

    “It says ‘King Jack'” said Betsy with a chuckle “I wondered what became of him.”

    Betsy and Portia began hauling the treasure chest back through the cave to the water’s edge. As they neared the waters edge Betsy turned just in time to see Portia rushing her and slammed her against the cave wall. “The gold is all mine!” snorted Portia.

    “Not so fast.” Betsy bellowed as she became a whirlwind of hooves and horns. Hooves, and horns, and a cowbell rained punishment down on Portia. Portia fell against the cave floor and Betsy pounced on her to end it once and for all.

    But at the last second Portia darted to the side and put those years of karate practice into effect. She landed a pork chop to Betsy’s head and a ham hock to her rump. Betsy was being pummeled and tenderized by Portia’s knuckles. But Betsy still had fight left in her and t-boned Portia driving the wind out of her.

    The two competitors tusselled on the floor, in an udderly ridiculous struggle to see who would hog all of the gold for herself. Their were snorts, and moooos, and the continuous ringing of a cowbell….

    Late that evening after the sun had set and the sky was deep magentas and indigo, something emerged from the surf on the shore of Tanya’s island. Four hooves hit the wet sand dragging an old treasure chest, off to find an abandoned row boat. The faint honking of a goose was heard high in the sky.

    The End.

    Liked by 4 people

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