The Moments of Beauty

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Marissa was mesmerized by the sight. Right now she felt like there was no other place that she would rather be. This safari ride had turned out to be amazing and as she watched the sun set her breath was taken away. She watched the elephants as they walked by the water. What majestic animals  they were.

She had always loved animals and seeing wild animals up close like this filled her heart and  made her at a loss for words.

A day like today had made all other thoughts leave her head. Today all she could focus on were the amazing animals that were roaming around, right in front of her eyes.

The lion and its lioness that she saw resting in the long grass, and the giraffe eating leaves from a tree. The baby elephant playing in the water and the zebras looking straight at her trying to figure her out.

She had come to Africa on business, but her stay had got extended due to flights being cancelled.  At first she was upset about being stuck here, but once she started exploring, she found herself slowly being enraptured by this place.  After today, she wondered if she wanted to go back to her hectic business life in the city.  How could she get tired of seeing scenes like this play out right in front of her eyes? Perhaps she should quit her job and become a safari guide.

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Marissa knew she was just dreaming. She did enjoy her life in the city, but she was thankful for this unexpected break in her schedule. She was finding time to breathe again and to open her eyes to the wonders around her.

She had no control of the events that caused flights to be cancelled. There was nothing she could do. Wasn’t like she could rent a car and drive to the US.  Sometimes there were things totally out of our control, but there were some things she could control. One of them was what she was doing right now. Taking the time to soak in the moment, letting time stand still and opening her eyes to the beauty right in front of her.


26 thoughts on “The Moments of Beauty

  1. They have lockdowns in Africa, too. Kudos to Marissa for figuring a way out of them and going out on a safari. I hope she doesn’t catch the coronavirus, or get arrested, or shot by the local army. I’d do the same as her, if I was stuck in Africa.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Another wonderful story about enjoying that which is around us wherever that may be. It brings to mind some words from an American conservationist and activist, Terry Tempest Williams : “Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.” Williams is also the published author of a number of good books, among them a favorite of mine, the October 2008 “Finding Beauty in a Broken World”. I am also reminded that I neglected to send a virtual hug to you yesterday on “Hug A Friend Day”. I only read yesterday’s post a short while ago and failed to add the belated hug then too. The thought occurs to me that if we could skip the extra day tucked into the calendar by Leap Year, it would still be yesterday today at least a few minutes more. That gives me more than enough time to send a hug to you…picture a pair of arms formed into a circle, then picture yourself ensconced within the circle as the arms tighten ever so gently…my friend, consider yourself hugged! Thank-you!

    Liked by 2 people

    • So glad you enjoyed the story and even more glad for your wonderful hug!! Thanks so much! Hugs are definitely missed during this time of quarantine. Picture yourself hugged as well and have a great day! ❤


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