Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Sometimes its the lone bird that sings the most beautiful song, if you take the time to listen!

Some rush around looking for happiness … never seeing the answer that lies in front of their eyes, because their glasses are on top of their head. 

The gift of beauty can lie in one’s hands in many ways. 

I wanted to share pictures that my sister, Karen, shared with me last night. An “Under the Sea”  crib blanket that she crocheted for someone. I may be bias but I think its amazing and she sooo didn’t share her artistic gene with me! I don’t sew! I have my order in of a special designed blanket that I want. I told her she could go into business, so what special designed blanket would you like? LOL!







19 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. That’s beautiful work, she seems to be quite a talent. Can she write, too? Or was that the talent you got that she was denied?
    I like the looks of a lot of afghans, but I don’t like using them. They’re heavy, and my delicate frame is crushed under this form of blanket. I prefer very lightweight, polyester blankets. But I do agree that she could probably turn a profit crocheting artistic blankets.

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