Thinking Outside the Box

I wasn’t intending to write a Part 2 to  The Eerie Night

But sometimes inspiration just hits, so I hope you enjoy part 2, as we see what happens to Frank and George who are still sitting by the big hole that they had just dug.

Thinking Outside the Box

They were sitting in the grass staring at the box of marbles. They had managed to pick all the ones up that had scattered all about, and now were just wondering what to do. 

“Our boss should be the one filling this hole back up!” said Frank. 

“Yes, I agree, replied George, “But, I don’t think she is going to come out here and do it. She is probably just sitting at home laughing at the thought of us  out here right now. Lets just get it done, and I can get back to working on my puzzle. Let me think, I may come up with a plan.” he said while softly chuckling to himself.

They started shoveling the dirt back in the hole, as the owl continued to watch them from high up in the tree, every now and then calling out to them. Every time it would send a little shiver through them as its “Whoooo”  broke the silence of the night. Finally they got all the dirt back into the hole and they started for home. 

While traveling home,  turned to Frank with a gleam in his eye. “Did you happen to bring with you the key to the office?” 

“Yes, I always have it on my keyring, why?” 

“Keep driving straight on this road, I think there is a Dollar store and Walmart coming up. How about we stop for some fun things to decorate our boss’s office with. A sign of appreciation to her,  for sending  us out tonight to dig up a marvelous box of marbles.” 

Frank laughed, “Good idea George!” he replied, show her that she’s not the only one with tricks up her sleeve!

2 hours later, they were just wrapping it up at the office. They were standing back as they admired their creativity. 

“She will have quite the fun finding her way to her chair, I do say!” They had taken kite string and made a giant spider web around the office, with some “lovely” things dangling from the string and some “gifts” on her chair and desk. 

“I believe tomorrow I will love being here bright and early!” Frank said and they both were smirking as they walked out the door. 

They got home tired that night, George put a couple pieces in his puzzle, but was soon hitting the hay. 

The next morning they both arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed at work, ahead of their boss. Eager to see her reaction to her office. They had the box of marbles sitting in front of them when she walked in. 

“Good Morning!” They said as soon as she entered the room. 

Their eyes were gleaming as she smiled and commented on how early they were here. 

“I thought perhaps you guys might be a little later today, how long did it take you to dig up the grave?”  she asked with a smile. ” 

“OH it wasn’t too bad, and I bet you will never guess what we found!” 

“I am anxiously waiting to know, do tell!” 

George handed her the box. 

She opened it and remarked, ” Wow! Marbles, just what you always wanted, right? You know this way, when you lose your marbles ….” 

“Very funny!” Frank replied. 

The boss’s smile widened, “Did you guys happen to look more closely at the box at all?” 

George and Frank looked at each other with a confused look. “Why would we do that, its just a box. The marbles had spilled out and we put them all back in and closed the lid.” 

“Hmm….” said the boss. “Are you sure that there were only marbles in the box ? Sometimes assuming things, can get you in trouble!” 

Now George and Frank were growing curious as they stared at their boss. They watched her dump out all the marbles and then pull up on the little knob that was on the bottom of the box. the whole bottom lifted up and she pulled out two crisp $500 dollar bills!

Their mouths fell open and their boss laughed! 

“I told you guys there was treasure to be found! Didn’t believe me, eh! I thought I would just send you on a little treasure hunt, and make you work a little for your bonus pay.” 

“Our bonus…umm…. what did you say?” Frank asked as George’s eyes widened. 

“Your bonus pay!  I thought you guys deserved it for all the hard work you do and for putting up with the crazy tasks that I send you on sometimes. You always are very good natured about it, including the little tricks that I may throw you in a time or two. So here you go, enjoy!” and she handed them each a $500 dollar bill. 

Their mouths were still open as she laughed, and said, “I will take the look on your faces as a Thank You! Now I have a lot of work to do, so I better get to it” and she put her hand on the doorknob into her office. 

Suddenly Frank was overcome by a coughing fit, and she turned around. “You may want to get yourself a glass of water for that cough.” 

George’s face was red as he was at a loss for words. He just stood there watching her turn  the knob. 

They heard her scream, as they looked at each other and ran out the front door. 



24 thoughts on “Thinking Outside the Box

  1. Good story, though you might be interested in knowing that they stopped making $500 bills about a hundred years ago.
    I think Frank and George had better spend their bonuses quickly, before their boss changes her mind.

    Liked by 1 person

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