Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! I made a “scientific” discovery yesterday. Housecleaning is dangerous! While I was mopping I banged the corner of my head on the corner of the door. Yes, I do think I saw stars for a slight moment. Then a little later I picked up something while vacuuming and here it was a tiny piece of glass which cut my finger. After that I gave up housework and read a book, much safer!

Enjoy these quotes, I promise you that reading has been proven by me, to be safe!


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40 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Thoughts!

  1. Housework is indeed dangerous, and … no worker’s comp!!! I gave it up … too much danger of a broken bone or summat at my age! However, I have injured myself while reading, as well. First, there are the paper cuts on the fingers, and then … there are the concussions and bruised toes from walking into things while engrossed in that whodunnit! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Once again Tuesday’s Thoughts become Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom. I’m choosing #5 because it is exactly what I have been aiming for this week. You see this is the very last week that I will be greeted each morning by “Namaste Gem! It’s me Benjamin!” and thus enter into the feeding of the critters, the adventurings when weather permits, the indoor projects when it doesn’t, the performance of our civil duty and the visiting of all of our ‘log friends amongst other things. Yes, there will be those random visits on school holidays, school vacations and the occasional weekends when sports participation permits. I look forward to those times to come! However after nearly 6 years of togetherness, whilst excited for Benjamin, I am indulging in a wee bit of self pity…okay, more than a wee bit! All month I have been reading the words of Maya Angelou as a daily mindful reminder : “If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present…gratefully.” Thank-you!


    • Awww sweet Ellen! Big hugs to you!! You have such a special bond with Benjamin and I am sure it will continue, even though you won’t see him every day now. You go ahead and indulge in that self pity my dear,but keep smiling too!! Who knows what surprise blessings may be in store for you! Benjamin is sp very blessed to have you!!
      Come visit me and we will go adventuring! 😊❤


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