Time for a Smile Break!

Today was a good day for ducks! A dreary, rainy day, but you can always find smiles if you look for them, and these pics made me smile. I hope they do for the same for you, sometimes you just need to take a SMILE BREAK! Share something that makes you smile in the comments below. You can feel free to share captions for these pictures as well. All pictures are thanks to Pinterest, the site that has just about anything!





28 thoughts on “Time for a Smile Break!

      • I’m doing good. Moving to my own apartment. So have been very busy packing and organizing. So much work, never realized how much before. But grateful my health allows me this. Good to hear from you too 🙂 Hope everything’s good!

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          • Thanks JR. it’s been pretty good. I still have those days like today, but mostly pretty good. It’s just a matter of planning for them 🙂 How goes your book? Do you still promote it at signings or do readings at bookstores? I imagine a library full of kids might be a wonderful place to share Dewey’s, Jaxon’s, & Odessa’s adventures with the manservant! Maybe even a children’s festival or something like that. I’d love to hear how that’s going. 🤗

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  1. What fun! It has been cloudy and dark here too, and the smile break is much appreciated.

    In #1, the duck is definitely looking for attention and saying “Hey, look at me!”
    The dog in #2 is thinking “Yum, fish. I wonder if I can grab it and run off before anyone notices.”

    Nothing came to mind for the others, but they’re cute too 🙂

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