Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Good Morning!  How is your week going so far?  I wasn’t feeling the best yesterday, but glad to say that I am feeling much more like normal today!  I have my cup of tea, music is playing and I am ready for the day.  I hope that your day is full of pleasant thoughts and may these quotes help with that.

  1. d78ad290777b26fb08b4c550f74eb9f4
  2. d991162c432bb668df076d00cf5def2b
  3. 91dd236c2eb2075c094cd9a5cd87484e
  4. 2c8a41b42bf40e190a6264e08685c3af
  5. Sunlight shines upon the beautiful green mountainside of Mount Rainier.
  6. 8411d6d9dc973eb6e7cbc6034cfe1c7b
  7. f1739c2fab4011afd50f13e7f2a3c9a4
  8. 56a766dcd4bba6c792dc438fbac6ea77
  9. 4d2b5fe0d78fbb744e46118cd70a4cda
  10. 929cd65cd378cff762ab0e7cc3242307-lit-quotes-love-life-quotesI really, really don’t like spiders, BUT….I have always loved Charlotte and Charlotte’s Web. 🙂

7 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Thoughts!

  1. I’m drawn to #5 and #7. Nice variation among Tuesday’s Thoughts today, very interesting. Hope you are feeling all better now, tea always helps. Thank-you!


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