
Packages….big ones, small ones, ones wrapped in pretty paper and tied with a bow.  Ones just in plain boxes with your address clearly written on them, surprising you at your front door.

Why is my mind on packages right now? A couple of  reasons. Christmas is coming of course and I already bought 1 gift. Yes, I know there are crazy people out there already done with their Christmas shopping, NO not me! I am usually finished with mine by  December 23rd 🙂 My birthday is coming, and my husband had just asked me this morning about a gift that I was wanting.  The 3rd reason is due to a blog post that came to my mind.

This week we are preparing to head back out to the cornfields of Indiana. My husband’s family is out there and we will celebrate Thanksgiving with them. When thinking about that I was reminded of my From the Mountains to the Cornfields post from this past summer when we were headed out  to Indiana. It was a short,  innocent post about us heading out there for vacation. Due to the very last line though about me mailing some special packages, the post turned into a very long comment thread! SOMEONE made sure to make the comments very entertaining. 🙂 Sorry to disappoint, but no I am not headed to the Post Office with packages this time!

What is a favorite package that you have received or that you have given? This year if I could I would wrap up Jaxon the Jackalope since he is magical, and send him around to all my dear ones who are struggling with painful issues. He could wiggle his nose and do his chant and “Voila!” their problems would be solved. The only problem is that he wouldn’t like being shipped in a tight, dark box with not much room to move and no popcorn to eat. I couldn’t be mean to him like that!

As always the greatest gifts are the ones that can’t be packaged. The gifts of love, friendship, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, peace and the list goes on. Make sure to not forget these “packages” this year as you make your list of gifts for your family and friends. These “packages” are ones that will never grow old,  and you don’t need to rush to the stores fighting the crowds to find them! All you need to do is open your heart and let these gifts flow!

20 thoughts on “Packages

  1. This a lovely piece. Stuff from our friends and family or gift cards are wonderful, but there are things of the season ever so much more important. Maybe we can send peace and love with our presents and with the way we treat each other. Also, hope you have a very happy Birthday! I hope you got a good present 🙂 I’m off to read your Dewey story now. Truly im hooked but sometimes it’s hard to concentrate and read big pieces until later in the day. I’m sure this doesn’t make sense but I really do enjoy them.

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